
 2023-09-21  阅读 15  评论 0

摘要:本篇文章给大家谈谈空中监狱影评,以及空中监狱电影豆瓣对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。《空中监狱》英文影评In 1988, a new action sub-genre was born with the release of "Die Hard", which spawned a flurry of activity in Hollywood and many pitch m



In 1988, a new action sub-genre was born with the release of "Die Hard", which spawned a flurry of activity in Hollywood and many pitch meetings starting with the phrase, "Well, it's like Die Hard on a...". Over the years, this sub-genre has evolved, and now the latest incarnation of the Die Hard formula, "Con Air", has hit the theaters.

But before we examine the Simon West-directed actioner, let's review the characteristics of the Die Hard formula. Up until 1988, the action genre was dominated by infallible, almost mythical, heroes with limitless abilities. Sylvester Stallone as "Rambo", Sean Connery/George Lazenby/Roger Moore as James Bond, and Arnold Schwarzenneger as "Commando" were examples of these types of heroes. "Die Hard" breathed new life into the genre with the fallible hero, an ordinary guy caught up in extraordinary circumstances. Of course, "Die Hard" was not the first, since it had many predecessors, including Alfred Hitchcock's "North by Northwest" and Sam Peckinpah's "Straw Dogs". And if one examines the origins of "Die Hard", which originated from the novel by Rod Thorp entitled "Nothing Lasts Forever", a case could be made for the Die Hard formula as an offshoot of the big budget mainstay of the Seventies, the disaster movie (think "Towering Inferno" with terrorists instead of fire). Regardless, "Die Hard" begat a number of films using the same model, some of which were of equal or greater commercial success.

So what are the necessary elements for the Die Hard formula?

A fallible hero who seeks redemption for some failure in their life. John McClane ("Die Hard") needed to reconcile his troubled marriage with his wife, Casey Ryback ("Under Siege") was a disgraced ex-N *** y SEAL, and Jean-Claude Van Damme wanted to be the hero that he never was to his estranged son in "Sudden Death". This hero also has some useful skill that will allow him or her to confront the situation, such as being a cop ("Die Hard"), a fireman ("Sudden Death"), or white-water rafter ("The River Wild").

The hero faces off against a known number of he *** ily-armed villains. Unlike James Bond, where hundreds of guys in matching jumpsuits are running around with machine guns, the number of antagonists are known, they h *** e names (and if the script is decent, they also h *** e personalities), and must be eliminated one by one. It also helps if the leader of the terrorists is vilely chari *** atic.

The hero faces off against these antagonists within an enclosed area, such as an office building ("Die Hard"), a battleship ("Under Siege"), an airplane ("Passenger 57" or "Executive Decision"), a deserted prison ("The Rock"), or a river ("The River Wild"). Tr *** ed within this enclosed area are innocent civilian lives, whose lives are threatened by the antagonists, unless some condition is met or payment is made.

Somewhere in the crowd of civilians being threatened is someone who the protagonist cares very deeply about, and is in a precarious situation if this fact discovered by the head antagonist, be it the wife ("Die Hard"), the daughter ("Under Siege 2"), or the son and daughter ("Sudden Death").

To make the hero even more fallible, they must fail early on in the story or experience excruciating hardship. John McClane pulled glass out of his feet in the first "Die Hard", and couldn't stop a plane from crashing in the second.

While the hero is fighting to survive within the enclosed area, there is another protagonist on the outside, who is providing assistance. This outside protagonist is often at odds with his or her superiors, who believe that the inside protagonist is actually one of the villains.

A means of communication is put in place between the protagonist and the antagonists, usually by means of a stolen communication device (John McClane always manages to find an unscrambled walkie-talkie which allows him to figure out the next move of the terrorists and to taunt them with sn *** y one-liners).

A plot device is put in place to severely curtail the time-limit for the hero's actions, whether it be a bomb, a gradually emptying fuel tank, or an impending executive decision from the President of the United States.

We've got eleven Current Affairs, five Hard Copies, and a genuine Geraldo inteviewee!

"Con Air", from producer Jerry Bruckheimer ("Top Gun", "Beverly Hills Cop", "Bad Boys", "Crimson Tide", "The Rock"), has many elements of the Die Hard formula. Cameron Poe (Nicolas Cage) is an Airborne Ranger who gets into a fight outside a bar while defending his pregnant wife. He ends up accidentally killing one of the rednecks and is sentenced to ten years in jail on a manslaughter charge. Eight years later, this fallen hero is released on parole and is taken home on a U.S. Marshall plane that h *** ens to be carrying several high-security prisoners. Of course, his long-awaited reunion with his wife Tricia (Monica Potter) and daughter Casey (Landry Allbright) is put on hold when Cyrus 'The Virus' Grissom (John Malkovitch) and Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones (Ving Rhames) spearhead a bloody takeover of the flight. Poe is given an opportunity by the hijackers to get off the flight at its first stop, but decides that he can't abandon Baby O (Mykelti Williamson), a fellow prisoner who needs insulin badly, nor U.S. Marshall Sarah Bishop (Rachel Ticotin) who is being threatened by serial rapist John 'Johnny 23' Baca (Danny Trejo, the menacing tattooed fellow who's in all of Robert Rodriguez's films) who gleefully has a tattooed heart for everyone of his victims. Instead, Poe pretends to be on side with the hijackers, hiding the fact that he is technically a free man.

Define irony.

It's a bunch of idiots on a plane dancing to a song by a group who died in a plane crash.

On the outside, is Marshall Larkin (John Cusack) who wants to get the plane down intact and believes that Poe is staying on the plane, waiting for an opportunity to resume control from Cyrus. However, he is opposed by a trigger h *** y DEA Agent Duncan Malloy (Colm Meaney, Chief O'Brien on "Deep Space 9"), who simply wants to blow the plane out of the sky because one of his undercover agents on board the plane was killed.

Put the bunny back in the box!

Unfortunately, Cameron is running out of time. Baby O is quickly lapsing into a diabetic coma, a helicopter gunship under the command of Malloy is racing towards them with missiles locked, Billy 'Billy Bedlam' Bedform (Nick Chinlund, who played a shirts-buttoned-up-to-the-collar-escalating-death-fetishist on "The X-Files") has just discovered Poe's parole papers in the personal effects hold down below, and Cyrus is becoming increasingly suspicious of Poe, and Garland 'The Marietta Mangler' Greene (Steve Buscemi) has got a wild look in his eyes and is starting to sing. Only he alone can take back the plane from the hands of Cyrus and Nathan... unless of course Larkin can't stop Malloy from shooting the plane down, which would then make the whole point moot.

I can't exchange a friend's life for my own.

"Con Air" is full of unbelievable stunts and pyrotechnics that are characteristic of Bruckheimer's Hong Kong action film influences. The whole John Woo bag of tricks is found here: the dramatic dolly-ins, the slo-mo action sequences, guys running around with two guns, the internal conflict that Poe faces between loyalty and duty, and redemption through cartoon violence.

It is a spectacle movie that plays off the Die Hard formula nicely, though the spectacle does seem a bit tame compared to other offerings currently in the market place, especially towards the middle of the film, when the plane is temporarily grounded. However, the pace picks up again with an incredible crash-landing and subsequent high-speed chase on the Las Vegas strip. If "The Rock", "Bad Boys", or Hong Kong action movies are your cup of tea, then so will "Con Air".










同时,影片也讽刺了美国 *** 某些好大喜功的官僚们,在正义面前官僚主义是不会成功的。从中也可以看出美国人对权威的藐视,对正义,自由的追求。另外,影片曲折的情节,紧张的音乐,震撼的动作场面以及开头和结尾充满柔情的音乐,温暖的场景也是影片吸引观众的原因。





史蒂夫·布西密(Steve Buscemi),1957年12月13日出生于美国纽约,是一名演员。史蒂夫·布西密曾在大小银幕中塑造过无数让人记忆犹新的鲜活人物,虽然多以配角出场,但其出色的演技丝毫不差于主角的光彩。从初涉影坛至今,布西密已经出演了将近100部电影和电视剧,时值今日,这棵常青树依然屹立不倒。2002年,他以《幽灵世界》赢得独立精神奖和纽约影评人协会的更佳男配角奖,以及金球奖提名,而他为HBO执导的电视剧《黑道家族》的部分剧集也被艾美奖和美国导演工会提名。代表作有《豚鼠特攻队》、《拉贝日记》等。




加兰(演员 史蒂夫·布西密)原本是杀害三十多人的变态杀人犯,有点神经质,杀人手段十分残忍。最终被一个小女孩感化,决定改过自新,重新做人。

空中监狱影评 怎么评价电影空中监狱

1、众多的罪犯,被劫持的飞机,追捕的警察,一个好人。《空中监狱》中没有简单的善恶两方对决,这里既有值得同情的罪犯,也有令人生厌的警察。主人公就处在灰色的地带中,必须时刻保持着自己内心的清醒,以便做出正确的抉择。影片中虽然人物众多,势力纷杂,但都刻画得恰如其分。影片开始时动作戏不多,但从囚犯劫机 *** 开始,气氛骤然紧张。结尾的大对决贯穿了很长的时间,期间起伏波折,令人揪心。






再次看尼古拉斯·凯奇主演的《空中监狱》,别有一番风味.在很多人眼里, 《空中监狱》是一部火爆的动作片,剧情众所周知: 卡麦伦是海军陆战队的突击队员。为保护 *** 不久的妻子免于流氓小混的骚扰,卡麦伦失手杀人。卡麦伦被最高司法当局判处十年徒刑。八年过去了, 终于,在狱中表现良好的卡麦伦(尼古拉斯·凯奇饰)在女儿八岁生日那天获得假释.卡麦伦在司法当局的安排下,搭乘了一架运送全美最残暴凶狠的罪犯的飞机。尽管有联邦调查局和最高司法当局的严格检查,飞机刚刚冲出跑道,以外号‘病毒’葛森为首的罪犯就各显神通,纷纷打开脚镣手铐,袭击押送的狱警,将飞机劫持. 卡麦伦(尼古拉斯·凯奇饰)和罪犯们斗智斗勇,配合联邦调查局,挫败了罪犯们的逃跑计划。

二、《空中监狱》有着好莱坞动作片所应有的一切: 火爆的动作和枪战场面,智勇双全的英雄人物,狡猾凶残的反面人物,温馨的家庭,完美的大团圆结局.然而,仔细看过, 《空中监狱》和传统的好莱坞动作片还是有着一个不同点:无论是对正面人物还是反面人物的描写,它都充满了对世俗传统观念的嘲讽。

三、《空中监狱》中的罪犯是全美最残暴凶狠的,准备通过飞机转移到高设防的新监狱,然而,这样一群罪犯,并不是我们传统印象中的社会 *** . 葛森无疑是整个劫机行动的主谋和首领,他外号‘病毒’,无恶不作,杀死狱友十一人,挑起多次监狱动乱, *** 两次,自称比癌症还致命,这样一个大魔头,却好学上进,在狱中获得两个学位。

其中一个还是法学学位,可谓是时下的高智商罪犯.绰号”钻石狗”的黑人罪犯,曾炸毁全美枪械协会,是典型的种族主义分子, 却在狱中写下《狗眼看人低》一书,被 *** 称为黑人社区的起床号,甚至有投资方想邀请丹素.华盛顿来主演.有这些犯罪精英,飞机上的杀人犯和 *** 犯与之相比,简直是小儿科.联邦探员文森都说:这些人是社会体制的产物,这真是莫大的讽刺。

而警察在着帮人面前,更是显的愚蠢如猪. 飞机刚刚冲出跑道, 罪犯便如对付幼儿园的小孩般搞定了飞机上的警察,原本押解罪犯的飞机转眼变成了人间地狱,群魔乱舞。

然而,得手后的‘病毒’等人并没有得意忘形,相反,他冷静的按照事前的计划,一步一步地实施, ‘病毒’等人在中途机场成功地欺骗了联邦调查局和司法部门,飞机按照‘病毒’ 葛森的计划飞向他们的撤离点.不过, ‘病毒’ 葛森的计划还是被潜伏在飞机上的卡麦伦(尼古拉斯·凯奇饰)泄露出去, 联邦调查局和司法部门火速向罪犯的撤离机场赶去,此时此刻, ‘病毒’葛森再次显示他过人的领导才能,面对强敌,他冷静分析,充分利用地形,设下埋伏,打得警察几乎全军覆灭,并争取到时间让飞机重新起飞.剧中, ‘病毒’ 葛森把一首”世界在他手(HE’S GOT THE WHOLE WORLD IN HIS HANDS)”改编成”看着探员尿裤子,真让人难过”,这首歌还在剧中多次出现,真是极尽讽刺之能事。







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