
 2023-10-01  阅读 14  评论 0

摘要:大家好,小宜来为大家讲解下。not,enough及storage什么意思这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!In my childhood, I always thought that there was treasure buried underground in our village. I often tried digging in some patch, specially wh


In my childhood, I always thought that there was treasure buried underground in our village.

I often tried digging in some patch, specially when seeing a hole. One day, I dug much deeper than usual. I didn't find the treasure I wanted to, but a lot of grains.

It was a storage room of a family of mice. I told my grandfather what I'd found excitedly as if I had found a new world.

My grandfather told me that he dug more mouse holes than I did. In the 60s last century, famine raged all over China when countless people suffered starvation and died. For survival, my grandfather dug a lot of mice holes to find grains. He did find some grains to feed his children. I saw tears in his eyes, when he told me to be a good boy who never wasted food.

Nowadays in our world a huge amount of food is wasted or spoiled after production. That is enough to feed a billion people. And at the same time almost 700 millions of people are starving.

Many young people don't know there was a decade when people had to dig mouse holes to look for food.

Never waste food. It is a sin.






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