
 2023-09-21  阅读 8  评论 0

摘要:今天给各位分享美国俚语的知识,其中也会对美国俚语翻译进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!美国日常常用俚语 英语 俚语 是英语中的一种常见语言,通常用于非正式场合。在外国学英语最有趣的事情是你能听到很多俚语。下面是我为大家整理的美国日常常用俚语,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习! 各国常常用到的俚语 1.He's the idol of girls.



英语 俚语 是英语中的一种常见语言,通常用于非正式场合。在外国学英语最有趣的事情是你能听到很多俚语。下面是我为大家整理的美国日常常用俚语,希望对您有所帮助。欢迎大家阅读参考学习!


1.He's the idol of girls. 他是个大众情人。

2.There you go again. 你又来那一套了。

3.I'm not as picky as you. 我没有像你那样挑剔。

4.He holds a top job. 他位居要职。

5.That's more like it. 那还差不多。

6.I'll show you the way. 我为你带路。

7.That's more than I can say. 我无可奉告。

8.You can't get it cheap! 这个价钱更便宜不过了!

9.Let down your hair! 坦白地说吧!

10.I need a steady job. 我需要一个固定的差事。

11.Let your hair dry! 你别神气!

12.Money makes the mare go. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

13.We must keep in mind our final objective and our 我们必须牢记我们的最后目标和任务。

14.Fish in troubled waters. 趁火打劫(混水摸鱼) 。

15.I don't know what you are talking about. 我不知道你在胡说些什么。

16.Now I'm safe and sound. 现在我安全无忧了。

17.We talked our hearts out. 我们互吐心声。

18.Don't make a federal case out of this matter. 不要把此事虚张声势出去。

19.You h *** e to keep your ears to the ground. 你要提高警惕。

20.We h *** e a moral responsibility. 我们有道义上的责任。 Don't talk behind people's backs. 不要在别人背后说别人的坏话。 Don't monkey with my car. 别乱搞我的车子。

21.Don't you talk back to me or I'll hit you. 别还嘴,否则我揍你。

22.Waste one's breath. 浪费口舌。

23.I know a thing or two. 我略知一二。

24.Let him h *** e his own way. 让其为所欲为。

25.Please,say it with flowers. 请帮我说几句好话吧! Ready-made. 成品。

26.He is a man of fine character. 他是一个品德良好的人。

27.Just drop in for a chat. 顺道来跟你聊聊天。

28.Easy come easy go. 来得易,去得也快。

29.He's a ball of fire. 他精力充沛。

30.If I do,I'll let you know. 如果我要做,我会先让你知道。

31.You had better buckle down! 你更好度多用心!

32.Don't try to strike an attitude with me. 不要对我摆臭架子。 You ought to keep an eye on the enemy's activity. 你要密切注意敌人的活动。

33.Drop me a line when you get there. 你到达后,写封信给我。 Sorry,I took it out on you. 抱歉,我拿你来出气。

34.All right,I crossed you,what do you say? 好,我骗了你,你想怎样?

35.Don't be so quick to judge! 不要太过于武断!

36.Step aside,you are in my way. 站到一边,别挡住我的路。

37.He's tied to his wife's apron strings. 他是吃软饭的人。

38.Now I come to think of it. 现在我想起来了。

39.I'll put out the garbage. 我去倒垃圾。

40.She stole the whole show at last night's party. 她在昨晚宴会上抢尽了风头。


1.I'm a self-made man. 我是白手起家。

2.I hope all goes well. 我希望一切都能顺利进行。

3.I was not expecting you. 我没有想到你会来。

4.Who is that guy? 那个家伙是谁?

5.That guy is a bad egg. 那个家伙是坏蛋。

6.I hope you are in the roll. 我希望你也来。

7.I wish I could do something. 希望我能帮点什么忙。

8.Last night,I got cleaned. 昨晚我输得一干二净。

9.He is in bad shape. 他身处困境。

10.If we want to finish this on time,we must keep on 如果想按时完成此工作,我们必须努力工作。

11.Stay up all night. 熬夜。

12.I think an apology will be enough. 我认为没有什么了不起的事。 I h *** e got problems of my own. 我自己的事都管不了。

13.She is an old battle-ax. 她是个老泼妇。

14.I h *** e got nothing to hide. 我没有什么好隐瞒的。

15.Let's start all over again. 让我们再从头来。

16.I can't work anymore today,I'm beat. 我精疲力竭了,今天不能再工作。

17.We must get there first in order to beat him to the 为了先发制人,我们必须先到达那里。

18.Wait,don't jump the gun. 别插嘴,等我讲完。

19.I told you I'm in a hurry. 我不是跟你说过吗,我很忙。

20.I mean what I said. 我可不是说着玩的。

21.They don't match at all. 他们两个一点也不相配。

22.Take it easy,don't blow your fuse! 放轻松些,不要生气!

23.He is always a blow hard before strangers. 他总是喜欢在陌生人面前吹牛。

24.He is fond of bragging. 他爱吹牛。

25.My car stalled out in the street. 我的车子在街上抛锚了。 He has a way with people. 他对任何人都有办法。

26.I told you,I don't know that sort of thing. 我不是跟你说过了,我对那事一窍不通。

27.It's a nasty film. 这是一部下流的电影。

28.At the end of the month everyone is broke. 到了月底,每个人都囊空如洗。

29.He is my buddy. 他是我的朋友。

30.He is sent to the bug house. 他被送到疯人院。

31.I think they are stalling for time. 我想他们正在拖时间。 She's a bloomer girl. 她是个大胆时髦的女孩子。

32.I want to speak to you alone. 我想跟你单独谈谈。

33.She's crying her eyes out. 她把眼睛哭红了。

34.No one wants to be a business girl all her life. 没有人想做一辈子的 *** 。

35.Don't butt into other people's business. 不要干预别人的事务。 He will do it by hook or by crook. 他不择手段做这件事。 What's on your mind,speak up. 你心里想什么,说出来听听。 He's a big shot in this city. 他是这个城市的大人物。

36.I want to make it short. 我想把它长话短说吧。

37.That guy gives me a pain. 那个家伙使人看着不顺眼。

38.Can you beat that!He left all of a sudden without ord. 岂有此理!他不说一声就突然离开了。

39.I don't care for coffin nails. 我不喜欢吸香烟。

40.You'll be able to find him in the chow hall. 你可以在饭厅找到他。

美国日常常用俚语相关 文章 :

★ 美国20句日常最实用俚语解析(3)

★ 美国人对话俚语大全

★ 常用的俚语大全精选

★ 英语俚语

★ 关于民间常用的俚语集锦

★ 常见20条英语标志

★ 常见英语实用俚语

★ 美国俚语

★ 英语习语和俚语有什么区别


在众多的语言种类之中, 俚语 属于一种相对比较特殊的语言类型,美国俚语也不例外。下面是我整理的美国地道俚语,欢迎大家阅读。


. the Fourth是七月四号的“美国独立纪念日”,而不是简单的“第四”。

. the Four Tigers of Asia是“亚洲四小龙”,而不是“亚洲四小虎”。

. pull one's leg是“愚弄某人”.而不是“拉后腿”。

. cast pearls before the swine 是“对牛弹琴”而不是“给猪扔珍珠”。

. live a dog's life是“过着牛马不如的生活”而不是“过狗样的生活”。

. dumb as an oyster是“守口如瓶”,而不是‘不能说话的牡蛎”。

. send in someone's jacket是“辞职”,而不是“送去某人的茄克”。

. put down your jacket是“别激动”,而不是“领取你的茄克”。

. Jack leg是“外行”,而不是“杰克的腿”

. Jack-of-all-trades是“多面手”,而不是“各行的杰克”。

. Don't put horse before the cart.是“不要本末倒置”,而不是“别把马车套到马前面”。

. Don't teach fish to swim.是“切勿班门弄斧”,而不是“不要教鱼 游泳 ”。

.India ink是“墨汁”,来自中国,而不是“印度汁”。

.Indian shot是“美人蕉”.而不是“印度的炮弹”。

.English horn是“法国双簧管”,它既不是一种“号”,也不来自英国。

.guinea pig是“天竺鼠”.而不是一种“猪”。


. rain cats and dogs是“大雨倾盆”,而不是门上的“下猫和狗”。

. lucky dog是“幸运儿”,而不是“幸运狗”。

. You dirty dog是“你这卑鄙的家伙”,而不是“脏狗”。。

. eat dirt是“忍辱”,而不是“吃土”。

. touch-me-not是“凤仙花”,而不是“别碰我”。

. friendly camera是“傻瓜照相机”.而不是“友好摄影机”。

. funny bone是“麻骨”,指神经,而不是“骨”。

. sweetbread是“胰脏”,而不是“面包”。


. writing brush是“毛笔”,而不是“刷子”。

. *** all potato是“小人物”,而不是“小土豆”。

. couch potato是“电视迷”,而不是“沙发土豆”

. the berries是“绝妙的人、事”,而不是“草毒、西红柿”。

.American plan是“食宿一费制”,而不是“美洲计划”。

. cats and dogs是“杂物,价值低的股票,而不是门上的“转行狗”或“狗事猫事”

美国地道俚语相关 文章 :

1. 俚语大全

2. 有趣的美国俚语

3. 有趣的中国俚语

4. 美国俚语大全一

5. 美国俚语教案




1、Cross a bridge before one comes to it


The final exam is still months away. What are you nervous about? Don't cross a bridge before you come to it. Just enjoy your life now.


2、Get one’s feet wet


If you've never invested money in the stock market, now is the time to get your feet wet.


3、Get/H *** e someone’s number


例句:Nancy was only interested in his fortune, but he got her number clearly.


4、Put someone on the spot


例句:Buddy, you know you are really putting me on the spot by asking me to choose between my mom and my wife.


5、Put one’s ass on the line

“把屁股放 *** 上”说的就是“冒险做某件事情”的意思。

例句:I put my ass on the line to get you to America, and now you want to dump me?


6、Ring a bell


例句:I think it should be your treat this time, because I already treated you in Pizza Hut last month. Does it ring a bell with you?


7、roll with something/someone


例句:Come on, you really think a college diploma can help you find a good job? Wake up and roll with it!


8、Such up to/ brown nose/teacher’s pet/ass kisser


例句:You only know how to suck up to your boss to get a raise, you giant brown nose!


9、Steal someone’s thunder


例句:How could you tell everyone you are engaged in my wedding day? You totally stole my thunder!


10、Show someone the true colors


例句:If Japan keeps denying their acts of huge atrocity they made in China, I think our country really needs to show them our true colors.



1、Smack dab


例句:That car is parking *** ack dab on the middle of my hallway!


2、Something blows someone’s mind


例句:I watched the openning ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games. That really blew my mind!


3、Stand someone up/blow someone off


例句:I can't believe she just stood me up like that. I will definitely break up with her!




例句:Can't you just walk any faster? You slowpoke!


5、Silver lining


例句:Even though you got fired from your company, the silver lining is that you will h *** e more free time staying with your wife and your children.



1、Suck it up


例句:Can you please just suck it up and accept the fact that she is not in love with you anymore?


2、Throw that in someone’s face


例句:Come on, I just got home late. I promise you I will be home early next time. Don't throw that in my face!


3、Tit for tat


Mary asked Lily to apologize to her in public and said it's tit for tat.







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