
 2023-09-17  阅读 7  评论 0

摘要:本篇文章给大家谈谈八下英语期末试卷,以及成都八下英语期末试卷对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。八年级下英语期末试卷答案 勤奋的态度和主动积极的精神是一种良好生活的习惯,面临八年级英语下期末考试,心态要好;下面是我为大家精心整理的八年级下英语期末试卷,仅供参考。 八年级下英语期末试题 第一卷 (共45分) Ⅰ.单项选择(20分) ( )





第一卷 (共45分)


( ) 1. Jenny can play ______ volleyball, but he can’t ride ______ bike.

A. /, / B. a, / C. the, / D. /, a

( ) 2. D *** id’s gloves are in the lost and found box. This notebook is ______, too.

A. his B. he C. him D. his

( ) 3. —Are these __________ computers? —No, ________ are over there.

A. theirs, their B. their, their C. theirs, theirs D. their, theirs

( ) 4. Does he h *** e__________ to tell me?

A. anything new B. something new C. something new D. new something

( ) 5. Their teacher _______ his English book in the classroom just now.

A. left B. forgot C. le *** es D. forgets

( ) 6. Jimmy sings ________. His voice is also very ________.

A. good, well B. well, good C. good, good D. well, well

( ) 7. He often ________ the classroom, so our classroom is very_________.

A. cleans, cleans B. clean, clean C. cleaning, cleans D. cleans, clean

( ) 8. We had lots of fun __________ a new language.

A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns

( ) 9. —Why not spend our summer holiday in Dalian? —__________.

A. Good ideas B. Thank you C. Yes, I know D. That sounds good

( ) 10. ________did you see in the party yesterday?

A. When else B. Who else C. Who other D. Where else

( ) 11. When these Japanese meet, they often _______ to greet each other.

A. bow B. kiss C. hug D. shake hands

( ) 12. Basketball is so popular and _______students play it for fun and exercise.

A. thousand of B. thousands of C. thousands D. some thousand of

( ) 13. Lang Lang played ___________ music last concert.

A. piece of B. pieces C. pieces of D. some pieces

( ) 14. Xian Xinghai _________ in 1905 and ________ in 1945.

A. was born, die B. was born, died C. born, died D. born, die

( ) 15. The composers are from different ________ and __________.

A. city, country B. cities, country C. cities, countries D. city, countries


There is good news for the children in the countryside. We may still 1 the girl with big eyes. Her big eyes are telling 2 her dream: I wish to go to 3 ! In China, there are still lots of girls and boys 4 her. They want to study in classrooms, but their families don’t h *** e much money. 5 the family has two or three children, it is hard to let 6 the children go to school. So the parents often ask 7 to stay at home, and boys to go to school.

Now they don’t need to 8 the money. From 2006 children can go to school for free in some places. They don’t h *** e to 9 for books and other things. Some of them can even get money from the government( *** ) to 10 their life better. Soon all the children in the countryside can go to school for free. All families are very h *** y with the news. It is really great.

( ) 1. A. remember B. forget C. help D. find

( ) 2. A. her B. us C. them D. him

( ) 3. A. work B. bed C. school D. movies

( ) 4. A. with B. for C. like D. as

( ) 5. A. Though B. Where C. Until D. If

( ) 6. A. all B. some C. each D. most

( ) 7. A. teachers B. girls C. sisters D. brothers

( ) 8. A. talk about B. look for C. worry about D. think of

( ) 9. A. pay B. thank C. study D. work

( ) 10. A. improve B. let C. be D. make

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(10分)


Can you wait for the Spider-Man 4 until 2012? The popular movie will be in theaters in the worldwide on July 3, 2012.

Spider-Man 4 is one of the most exciting movies for most kids. And we’re excited the filmmakers are showing it in 3D. Spider Man is one of the most popular characters in the world. He is a young hero. Andrew Garfield, a cute actor from the UK, plays Peter Parker, the youth hero (Spider Man). Andrew was born in Los Angeles. He is 26 years old. His mother is from the UK and his father is from California in the USA. The family moved to England when he was three.

( ) 1. Spider-Man 4 is ___________.

A. a movie B. a TV play C. a theater D. a student

( ) 2. The actor lives in __________.

A. Los Angeles B. America C. California D. England

( ) 3. Who plays the Spider-Man in Spider-Man 4?

A. Andrew’s brother B. Andrew’s father C. Andrew Garfield D. Peter Parker

( ) 4. When is the Spider-Man 4 on(上映)?

A. In March, 2012 B. Twenty-six years later C. In July, 2012 D. Sorry, I don’t know.

( ) 5. According to the passage, Spider-Man is very ________ with the young people.

A. scary B. popular C. boring D. angry


Population(million) Person per room Telephones per 100 people Percent of children in middle school

Tokyo 28. 7 0.9 44 97

Seoul 15.8 2.0 22 90

London 11.0 0.6 40 58

New York 17.4 0.5 56 95

Moscow 13.2 1.3 39 100

1. Which city had the fewest people?

A. Tokyo B. Seoul C. London D. Moscow

2. Every child could _____________ in Moscow.

A. h *** e a telephone B. h *** e less room to live in

C. eat more good food D. go to middle school

3. It was more difficult for people in ________ to make a telephone call.

A. Tokyo B. Seoul C. London D. New York

4. People in Tokyo owned __________ than those in Moscow.

A. more telephones and less room B. fewer telephones and more room

C. more telephones and more room D. fewer telephones and less room

5. From the chart, we can know people in London didn’t live as_______ as those in New York.

A. badly B. terribly C. hard D. well

第二卷( 共65分)

Ⅳ. 根据汉语提示及首字母完成句子(10分)

1. Our school has t_________ of students.

2. We are g_________ along with the foreigners.

3. Most of c________ like fast food, like McDonald’s and KFC.

4. We look forward to s________ our summer vacation with our friends.

5. The a_________ of the book is lively and wonderful.

6. The music sounds very _________(精彩). It is written by Mozart .

7. My father like __________ (传统) music.

8. There are two famous __________(音乐家) in our Band.

9. My brother went to ___________(澳大利亚) last year.

10. They are famous _________(欧洲) writers.

Ⅴ.用所给词的适当形式填空 (10分)

school speak student come live teacher write but think kid Chinese think English

Mr. Smith is my new friend. He 1. from Paris, France. He’s a French 2. of a middle school. His students all like him very much. He can 3. some Chinese, 4. not much. He wants to learn more, so he goes to 5. classes every week. He likes 6. and working in China very much. He 7. the Chinese people are very friendly(友好的). He has two 8. , Maria and Tom. They are students, but they go to different(不同的) 9. . They h *** e some pen pals and they 10. to the pen pals. They also h *** e many Chinese friends at school and they play games after class.

Ⅵ. 句型转换(15分)

1. They sent their homework to the teacher. (划线提问)

________ ________ everyone send their homework to the teacher?

2. Dick worked very late until his sister called him. (改为否定句)

Dick ________work very late ________ his sister called him.

3. Bill gets on well with his friends. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________ Bill get on __________ his friends?

4. Will there be computers for everyone? (否定回答)

No, ________ ________.

5. This building is so beautiful. (改为同义句)

This is _______ ________ _______ building.

6. I spent three days with my cousin. (对画线部分提问)

______ _______ _______ you spend with your cousin?


1. 还有谁在巴黎学习?

__________ __________ studied in Paris?

2. 加拿大人说英语和法语吗?

_______ Canadians speak English _________ ________?

3. 我不知道如何去集市。

I don’t know ________ __________ ___________ to in the market.

4. 我收到邮件后很快就付了款。

After I _________ the mail, I ________ ________ it soon.

5. 这位著名的音乐家不仅演奏优美的音乐,还谱写了许多著名的曲子。

The famous musician _________ __________ played beautiful music ________ _______ wrote many pieces of music.



( )1. You look cool in black. A. Just a minute.

( )2. Don’t be late again, Lily. B. He went to the beach.

( )3. Where did the jumper go? C. Sure. You will.

( )4. Hello. Can I speak to Simon? D. Thank you.

( )5. Will I talk about my homework next week? E. Sorry. I won’t.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(10分)


Name Michelle Kwan

Career(职业) Figure skater

Date of Birth July 7th, 1980

Hometown Guangdong, China

Nationality America

Family Father, Danny, Chinese Mother, Estella, American a brother, a sister

Achievements 7 medals at National Championships(全国锦标赛)

8 medals at the World Championships

2 Olympic medals (the silver medal in 1998; the bronze medal in 2002)


Ⅰ. 1.D 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.B 15. C

Ⅱ. 1-5 A B C C D 6-10 A B C A D

Ⅲ. (A) A D C C B (B) CD B AD

Ⅳ. 1. thousands 2. getting 3. children 4. spending 5. advantage

6. wonderful 7. traditional 8. musician 9.Australian 10. European

Ⅴ. 1. comes 2. teacher 3. speak 4. but 5. Chinese 6. living 7. thinks 8. kids 9. school 10. write

Ⅵ. 1. What did 2. didn’t until 3. How does; with 4. there won’t 5. such a beautiful 6. How long did

Ⅶ.1. Who else 2. Do, or, French 3. how to get 4. received, paid for 5. not only, but also

Ⅷ. 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. A 5. C




八年级 英语期末考试与学生的学习是息息相关的。下面是我为大家整编的八年级英语下册冀教版期末试题,感谢欣赏。



一. 单项选择 (15分)

( ) 1. — What’s the   of your country, Tim?

— More than thirty-five million.

A. value B. name

C. advantage D. population

( ) 2. — Why not c onsider   the Internet for interesting information?

— Good idea!

A. search B. searches

C. searched D. searching

( ) 3. It was   of you to fight against the robber (抢劫者) just now. We’re all proud of you.

A. br *** e B. foolish

C. crazy D. pleasant

( ) 4. The writer   in translating this book into Chinese last month.

A. succeeded B. created

C. divided D. *** eared

( ) 5. Tina has lived in China for two years, and she knows   Chinese.

A. a little of B. a little

C. a bit of D. both B and C

( ) 6. Mark didn’t wake up   his friend called him this morning.

A. before B. while

C. until D. after

( ) 7. Jack   the empty bottle on the floor and threw it into the dustbin.

A. opened up B. picked up

C. rang up D. moved up

( ) 8.   Jenny   I believe Tom’s words, because he always tells lies.

A. Either; or B. Neither; nor

C. Both; and D. Not only; but also

( ) 9. The boy’s parents   s ince he was three years old. He has to live with his grandparents.

A. died B. dead

C. were dying D. h *** e been dead

( )10. It’s difficult   the poor man   that new house.

A. for; afford B. of; afford

C. for; to afford D. of; to afford

( )11. Judy seldom goes to the history museum,   she?

A. is B. isn’t

C. does D. doesn’t

( )12. My friend told me that she   for Shanghai on June 5th.

A. le *** e B. le *** es

C. will le *** e D. would le *** e

( )13. — Where is your mother, Kim?

— She   Hangzhou. She’ll come back this weekend.

A. goes to B. has gone to

C. will go to D. has been to

( )14. If you drive too fast on the road, it   an accident.

A. cause B. causes

C. caused D. will cause

( )15. — Do you know  , Li Ming?

— Of course! In 2012.

A. where were the 30th Olympic Games held

B. when London hosted the 30th Olympic Games

C. which record was broken at the Olympic Games

D. how many medals did they get at the Olympic Games

二. 完形填空(10分)

Winter becomes colder and colder. People begin to wear more  16  themselves against the cold. But  17  do animals get through the long cold winter?

A number of animals, especially birds, tr *** el to  18  places to get away from the cold. Wild geese, for example, fly south. Other animals, such as bears, snakes and squirrels,  19  most of their time eating or storing food. After enough food and energy preparation, they go to safe places to hibernate (冬眠).

Hibernation is a special and deep sleep. When animals hibernate, their body temperature drops, and their heart beat and breathing become very  20 . They look like dead ones. The largest hibernators are bears.  21  other hibernators, bears do not eat or drink while hibernating, which can last as  22  as six months.

For some cold-blooded animals,  23  gives them a good place to keep warm.  24  the weather gets cold, they move to the bottom of lakes or ponds. For insects (昆虫), most of them don’t  25  during the winter, which is called diapause (昆虫生 长的停滞期).

( )16. A. protect B. protecting

C. protects D. to protect

( )17. A. how B. what

C. where D. why

( )18. A. cooler B. warmer

C. colder D. windier

( )19. A. cost B. spend

C. take D. pay

( )20. A. quick B. strong

C. slow D. noisy

( )21. A. Instead B. Except

C. Unlike D. Without

( )22. A. long B. much

C. many D. far

( )23. A. land B. water

C. air D. space

( )24. A. Since B. When

C. For D. Even

( )25. A. sleep B. talk

C. grow D. stop

三. 阅读理解 (20分)


Zac, a first-grade student, was diagnosed (诊断) with cancer last June. He is undergoing treatment (进行治疗) but still goes to school every day, because at school he can play with Vincent. Five-year-old Vincent found out his best friend was sick, and he wanted to do everything he could to help. He wanted to show his friend that he was always with him.

When he learned Zac would lose his hair from chemotherapy (化疗), Vincent decided to sh *** e his head. When the little boy was asked why he did that, he said, “I want to make Zac feel like he is not the only one without any hair.”

Vincent has also been learning about cancer and raising money for his best friend Zac after learning how expensive his chemotherapy is. He made more than 20 scarves and sold them. He raised more than $200 in total.

Zac’s mum is thankful that her son has such an amazing friend.

When he was asked what friendship was, Vincent looked at his friend Zac and answered, “It’s a beautiful thing.”


( )26. What h *** ened to Zac?

A. He lost his left leg.

B. He was sick.

C. He was hurt badly.

D. He lost his family.

( )27. What does the underlined word “sh *** e” mean in Chinese?

A. 剃光 B. 剪短 C. 染 D. 烫

( )28. To help Zac, Vincent raised money by  .

A. cutting off his hair and selling it

B. selling cookies after school

C. making scarves and selling them

D. asking other people for help

( )29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Vincent has raised $100 so far.

B. Zac feels very lonely at school.

C. Zac has a truly good friend Vincent.

D. Vincent made more than 20 0 scarves.

( )30. The passage is mainly about  .

A. honesty B. courage C. ambition D. friendship


Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world. They usually go out to hunt for food when it is dark. And they hunt alone most of time. When a tiger sees an animal, it moves quickly and then jumps on the animals to kill it. Sometimes it can take the tiger several days to finish eating its food. When the tiger is full, it will cover the dead animal with le *** es. Later, when the tiger is hungry again, it comes back to eat some more.

Tigers are different from others in the cat family: they like water and often jump into rivers to swim. Some tigers live in very cold places in North Korea, Russia and China. Other tigers live in warmer places—in India and parts of Southeast Asia.

But now all tigers are in danger. Some people kill tigers to use their skins for clothes, and their bodies for medicine. There is also less and less land for tigers to live in.


( )31. The   is the largest wild cat in the world.

A. lion B. tiger

C. panda D. bear

( )32. Tigers like  , which is different from others in the cat family.

A. eating meat B. drinking water

C. swimming D. climbing trees

( )33. Tigers mainly live in  .

A. Asia B. Europe

C. Africa D. America

( )34. Tigers are in danger now because  .

A. s ome people kill them

B. the weather becomes warmer

C. they h *** e less land to live in

D. both A and C

( )35. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Tigers usually go out to look for food at night.

B. The tiger can kill a big animal very quickly.

C. The tiger covers the dead animal with le *** es if it can’t eat it up.

D. Tigers like to hunt for food in *** all groups.

四. 词语运用(10分)

A. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。

36. When did they   (发明) this new machine?

37. Emily is very good at   (地理), but I’m not.

38. He is a   (英雄) in the eyes of the public.

39. Please add half a   (匙) of sugar to my coffee.

40. Harry is tr *** eling in the desert on his   (骆驼).

B. 从方框中选择恰当的单词或 短语 ,并用其正确形式填空。

twenty cover pollute danger stand out

41. Look! All the tables are with newspapers now.

42. It’s very to skate on the thin ice!

43. It was my sister’s birthday. She invited many friends.

44. Emily’s red hat made her in the crowd.

45. has become a serious problem in the world now.

五. 连词成句(5分)

46. all, hand, they, the, by, made, kites


47. away, rubbish, you, the, did, throw


48. the, don’t, your, sidewalk, car, by, park


49. been, long, they, abroad, h *** e, how


50. had, work, she, said, the, she, finished


六. 任务型阅读(10分)

H *** e you ever seen the film Tr *** eling Birds?  51  They cross the way above rivers, fields, sea and grassland.  52

But you may not feel so good if you h *** e learnt about bird flu (禽流感) from TV or on the Internet. Some governments ( *** ) had to kill chickens in their cities.  53  And nearly 8,500 birds died in Russia because of bird flu.

Chickens can get bird flu from the feces (粪便) of the passing birds.  54  But it’s much more difficult to control the birds in the sky.

Luckily, scientists h *** e found a medicine for bird flu.  55  So bird flu is still a serious problem we must face.


A.I’m sure you will love the beautiful picture when you see the film.

B.A large number of chickens and even some people died in Asia.

C.But the virus (病毒) can change easily and quickly.

D.In the film, groups of birds fly high above the sky.

E.It’s not so difficult to control the chickens in cages or on farms.

51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

七. 短文填空(10分)


hear twenty cut name h *** y

fun send real r ead interest

Dear Joe,

I’m glad to write to you!It was my (56) birthday yesterday. I got a beautiful dress from my parents. My sister g *** e me a lovely pet dog. It made me (57) and I liked it very much. At the same time, thank you for (58) me a great gift.

I love reading very much. Yesterday, I found that there was a (59) picture in TIME (《时代周刊》). So I (60) it out to send to you. I hope you’ll like it. Also I’ve just finished an (61) book. It is(62) The Bat-Poet (《蝙蝠诗人》). There are some poems (诗歌) in it. I (63) enjoy it. If you’d like to read it, I’ll send it to you.

Summer holiday is coming soon. During the summer holiday, I am trying to finish (64)

three books. What’s your plan for the holiday? Hope to (65) from you soon!



八. 补全对话(10分)

从方框中选择恰当的 句子 补全对话。其中有两项多余。

A: (66)

B: I’m reading a book.

A: What is it about?

B: (67)

A: Could you tell me more about it?

B: Of course! (68) For example, cars pollute the air seriously, so we should go to work on foot or by bike.

A: You’re right. (69)

B: We’d better not throw away rubbish everywhere and not use plastic bags.

A: Yes, I think the most important thing is to stop cutting down more trees.

A: I agree. (70) It’s also a good way to protect the environment.

B: Environment is important to us. Everyone should do something fo r it.

A. It tells us to make less pollution.

B. What else can we do?

C. It is named S *** e the Animals.

D. What are you doing, Mark?

E. We should plant more trees every year.

F. What kind of books do you like?

G. It’s mainly about how to s *** e our world.

九. 书面表达 (10分)

如今,网络为我们的学习和生活带来了许多便利,但任何事物都具有两面性,它也对我们产生了一些不利的影响。请以“Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet”为题阐述一下你的观点。5ykj.com


① 字迹工整,层次清晰;

② 语句通顺,语法正确;

③ 不少于70词(开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

In the modern world, the Internet has come into our life. _______________________________


In a word, the Internet brings us not only a lot of convenience but also troubles. As students, we should make good use of the Internet.


1-5 DDAAD 6-10 CBBDC 11-15 CDBDB

16-20 DABBC 21-25 CABBC 26-30 BACCD

31-35 BCADD

36. invent 37. geography 38. hero 39. spoon 40. camel

41. covered 42. dangerous 43. twentieth 44. stand out 45. Pollution

46. They made all the kites by hand

47. Did you throw away the rubbish

48. Don’t park your car by the sidewalk

49. How long h *** e they been abroad

50. She said she had finished the work

51-55 DABEC

56. twentieth 57. h *** y 58. sending 59. funny 60. cut

61. interesting 62. named 63. really 64. reading 65. hear

66-70 DGABE

One possible version:

Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet

In the modern world, the Internet has come into our life. Lots of students use the Internet as a tool for their studies. They look up the meanings of new words and learn history or geography on the Internet. They also use the Internet to read news or send e-mails.

But every coin has two sides. Some students spend too much time playing online games and chatting with friends. They are not interested in their studies. At the same time, they become weaker and weaker in body.

In a word, the Internet brings us not only a lot of convenience but also troubles. As students, we should make good use of the Internet.

八年级英语下册冀教版期末试题相关 文章 :

1. 八年级英语下册期末试卷及答案

2. 初二下册英语期末试题

3. 冀教版八年级英语上册知识点

4. 人教版八年级英语下册期末测试题

5. 2016年初二英语下期末试题


人教版八年级下册英语期末试题 卷I 选择题部分


Ⅰ.听 句子 ,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

1. A. thirty B. thirsty C. thirteen

2. A. October 31st, 1996 B. October 1st, 1996 C. October 31st, 1969

3. A. walked to school B. took a bus C. rode a bike

4. A. All the students went to the museum.

B. None of the students went to the museum.

C. Only Jim didn’t go to the museum.

5. A. My brother is a driver now.

B. My brother is a soldier now.

C. My brother was a soldier in the past.

Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的更佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

6. A. It’s nothing. B. I agree. C. Bad luck! I’m sorry to hear that.

7. A. OK, I won’t. B. OK, I will. C. I’m scared.

8. A. That’s true. B. Let’s go. C. Oh, h *** e fun!

9. A. Don’t say that. B. Thank you. C. Really?

10. A. Good luck. B. Best wishes to you. C. Congratulations!

Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择适当答案。(共5小题, 每小题1分,计5分)

11. A. Listening to music. B. Reading. C. Doing her homework.

12. A . $70. B. $ 50. C. $ 35.

13. A. Winter. B. Summer. C. Autumn.





IV. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案。 (共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

16. Who is making breakfast?

A. Jim. B. Jim’s mother. C. Jim’s father.

17. What is Jim going to do today?

A. Cook breakfast. B. Clean up th e park. C. Stay with his mother.


18. What in the world needs water?

A. Only animals and plants. B. All living things. C. Only people.

19. Where does water come from?

A. It comes from the rivers. B. It comes from the lakes. C. It comes from the clouds.

20. Can water change itself?

A. Yes, it can. B. No, it can’t. C. I don’t know.


V.单项选择 (共15小题,每小题1分,计15分) 选出可以填入空白处的更佳选项。

21. ---Tony, can you play_________ piano?

---No, But I can play______ chess.

A. the, the B. \;the C. the, \ D. \;\

22. This singer sang many songs, ________ some of Liu Huan’s.

A. besides B. including C. without D. beside

23. It’s so noisy here that I can’t hear_______. Could you please say it again?

A. what you say B. what do you say C. what you said D. what did you say

24. Eating ____ vegetables and _____ meat is good for the old.

A. less, less B. less, more C. more, more D. more, less

25. Everyone is sleeping because the noise was keeping everyone ______ last night.

A. asleep B. excited C. alone D. awake

26. When we heard the good news, we all jumped ________ .

A. here and there B. up and down C. now and then D. front and back

27. --- _____ did Li Ming jump in the long jump? --- About three meters.

A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How often

28. We all love her songs, because she has a beautiful______. .

A. voice B. laughter C. hometown D. fan

29. I first met him a week ago while I ______ along Bridge Street.

A. walked B. h *** e walked C. am walking D. was walking

30. The books in the library should ____ good care of.

A. take B. are taking C. be taken D. taken

31. The beach in Hainan is a good place for us _____.

A. relax B. relaxing C. to relax D. relaxes

32. The stone is ______ he *** y ______ I can’t carry it.

A. too…to B. so…that C. such…that D. not…until

33. Though he was badly hurt, he kept ______ other passengers.

A. help B. helping C. to help D. helped

34. You don’t need to describe her. I ¬¬¬¬______ her several times.

A. meet B. am meeting  C. h *** e met   D. will meet

35. Jane saw a piece of paper on the playground. She _____ and put it into the dustbin.

A. pick up it B. pick it up C. picked up it D. picked it up

Ⅵ. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

Matt’s hobby was collecting stamps(邮票). He had stamps from many 36 , like America, India and China.

Matt’s f *** orite stamps 37 from France. He had almost every stamp for 1954 to 2007. He only needed 38 . That was a 1974 special edition (版本). It was very 39 to find. He looked for it everywhere. He asked his friends and relatives to help him. But 40 could find the stamp. It made Matt very sad.

“H *** e patience(耐心), my boy!” his father said to him, “Don’t 41 , you’ll find it one day.”

Besides collecting stamps, Matt likes writing. He has a pen friend in France. They 42 to each other every month. Last month when Matt got the letter, he was very 43 . On the envelope(信封), he looked carefully at the stamp. It was the 1974 special edition stamp. Matt was so h *** y! He told his sister, his mother and his father.

“You see,” his father said, “you h *** e found your 44 .It’s good to h *** e two things in life. ”

“ 45 are they?” Matt asked.

“Friends and patience” he answered.

36. A. cities B. villages C. countries D. provinces

37. A. come B. came C. comes D. coming

38. A. one B. two C. three D. nothing

39. A. easy B. important C. dangerous D. difficult

40. A. somebody B. nobody C. anybody D. everybody

41. A. give up B. give out C. go off D. put off

42. A. talk B. listen C. write D. reply

43. A. nervous B. serious C. worried D. surpr ised

44. A. envelope B. letter C. stamp D. bag

45. A. What B. How C. Who D. When

Ⅶ.阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,计20 分)


One dark night, two blind(盲的) men were going home from work. “I need to buy some socks,” said one of them suddenly. “Let’s stop at the shop on the street.” “OK,” said the other. “I think I’ll buy two or three pairs for myself, too.” They went to the shop.

“What size do you wear, sir? And what colour would you like?” asked the girl in the shop.

“Size Eleven. Give me one pair of black socks and two pairs of white, please,” answered one of them. “And you, sir?” the girl asked the other man. “The same for me. I wear Size Eleven, too. So, the same colour and the same number,” said the other man.

A moment later they were in the dark street. Each man took the socks he had bought. But just then, a boy riding a bicycle bumped(撞) into them. The blind men dropped(掉) all the socks on the ground! All the six pairs of socks mixed up. The boy quickly said sorry and left. The two blind men picked up all the socks, but they could not tell black from white. How could they be sure that they each got one pair of black socks and two pairs of white socks? They tried to ask for he lp, but there was no one else in the street. What could they do?

Soon one of them had an idea. Can you guess what it was? They separated(分开) each pair of socks and both took one sock from each pair. When they got home, each of them had two black socks and four white ones of the same size –just what they wanted. Weren’t they clever?

46. Two blind men bought some socks ____________.

A. on their way home B. on their way to work

C. on their way to the movie theatre D. on their way to sc hool

47. Each of the blind men wanted to buy _____________.

A. eleven pairs of socks

B. one pair of black socks and two pairs of white ones

C. two pairs of black socks and two pairs of white ones

D. four pairs of white socks and two pairs of black ones

48. After they came out of the shop,_______________.

A. a dog ran up and bumped into them

B. a boy on a bicycle bumped into them

C. an old man riding a bicycle bumped into them

D. a boy riding a horse bumped into them

49. After the blind men dropped all the socks on the ground,____________.

A. the boy helped them to pick up their own socks

B. each of the blind men picked up his own socks

C. they pick ed up the mixed six pairs of socks

D. they waited until the next day

50. The title of the passage should be___________.

A. One Dark Night B. Two Clever Blind Men

C. Black and White Socks D. A Boy and Two Good Friends


51.Amanda has to get to school before 7:00 this morning. On her way to school, where can she buy her breakfast?

A. At Papa Marko’s. B. At Apple Tree Bakery.

C. At Good Taste Fast Food. D. At Winnie’s Sandwich Club.

52.Yesterday was Amanda’s eleventh birthday. Her parents took her to Winnie’s Sandwich Club for dinner. How much did they spend?

A. $300. B. $360. C. $480. D. $540.

53.Amanda can go to any place for lunch on Sundays except _____.

A. Papa Marko’s. B. Apple Tree Bakery.

C. Good Taste Fast Food. D.Winnie’s Sandwich Club.

54.If Amanda buys some food for $150 at Apple T ree Bakery at 9.30 p.m., she will s *** e .

A. $ 80 B. $20 C. $30 D. $120

55.Which statement is wrong?

A. They are all advertisements for fast food.

B. Good Tast e Fast Food is the best in town.

C. You can’t h *** e a meal until noon at Papa Marko’s.

D. There are too many people at Papa Marko’s, so you’ll h *** e to wait a long time.



题号 I- VII VIII IX Ⅹ Ⅺ(A) Ⅺ(B) 总分


卷I 选择题答案

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55

卷II 非选择题部分


得分 评卷人

Ⅷ. 听短文, 填空。(共5小题, 每小题1分, 计5分)

得分 评卷人

Ⅸ. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)


Sydney is a young city. Its history goes back just over 200 years. But in Australia, it is the oldest city. It is also the country’s largest city. Sydney is the capital of New South Wales and the most populous(人口稠密的)city of Australia.

The climate of Sydney is very good. It’s not too cold during winter and not too hot during summer. The sky is blue, the air is fresh, birds sing in the garden. People who live in Sydney seem to h *** e an easy life style. They will tell you, “Don’t worry .”

Many people think that Sydney is one of the most attractive cities in the world. It has many tall and modern buildings. Among them, Centrepoint Tower is the tallest. Standing on the 305- meter tower, you will h *** e a great view of the city.

Sydney is famous for its deep harbor(港口).The harbor has many bays(湾) and beautiful surf beaches. Among them, Bondi beach is the most popular. Sydney Harbor is not only beautiful, it also serves as a large port. Ships carry wool, wheat and meat from Sydney to other countries.

People living in Sydney like to call themselves Sydneysiders. They are mostly friendly and easygoing. When they are not working, they love to h *** e a good time at the beach.


61.Sydney is the youngest and largest city in Australia. [ ]

62. Sydney is an attractive city with many__________________________ buildings.

63. How old is Sydney ?


64. What is Sydney famous for ?


65. _______________________________________________________________

得分 评卷人

X. 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的词或词组,并用其适当形式完成句子。

(共5小题, 每小题1分,计5分)

66. I am used to sleeping on a _______________ bed.

67. ______________ he arrived in America, he called me.

68. The moon was ____________ bright when I woke up.

69. We need a guide to _____________ us to go to the art museum.

70. The park is____________ my house. I often go there for a walk.

Ⅺ.基础写作 (包括A、B两部分,共计15分)

得分 评卷人

A).连词成句 (每小题1分,计5分)


71. has, abroad, he, twice, been


72. the, covered, is with, snow, road


73. your, clean, own, up, room


74. do, know, what, about, you, Asia


75. be, next, of, going, year, each, us, London, to


得分 评卷人



团队旅游 1. 有导游,不会迷路;

2. 不必自己找宾馆;

3. 结识朋友,相互帮助。

个人旅游 1. 自由安排时间;

2. 选择自己喜欢的旅游景点;

3. 学会照顾自己。

注意事项: 1.词数不少于60; 2.文中不得出现真实的校名或姓名。

参考词汇: 团队旅游 tr *** el with a group;个人旅游 tr *** el alone; 安排 arrange; 景点 sights

Hello, my clas *** ates. Of the two ways of tr *** el, I like




Ⅷ.56.several 57. largest 58. lunch 59. take pictures 60. gate

Ⅸ. 61..F 62. tall and modern 63. It’s over 200 years old.

64. It’s famous for its deep harbor.

better than tr *** elling with a group. That’s because I can arrange our time freely and choose to visit my f *** orite sights. Then I can spend enough time visiting the places I like. In this way, I can enjoy my vacation better.

Anyway, we should get everything ready before we start. So tr *** elling alone is also a chance for us to learn to look after ourselves.

Possible version B:

Hello, my clas *** ates. Of the two ways of tr *** el, I like tr *** elling with a group better than tr *** elling alone. That’s because if we h *** e a guide leading the way, we won’t get lost. And there is no need for us to look for a hotel by ourselves. In this way, we can make lots of new friends and learn to help each other.

Anyway, we should get everything ready before we start. So tr *** elling with a group is a chance to cooperate with others.



档次 内容 语言表达与书写

一档9-10分 包含了所有要点,能围绕内容适当发挥,内容具体、丰富。 语言结构正确,用词准确、句子通顺、行文连贯、表达清楚,没有或基本没有(不超过1-2处)语言错误。书写清楚、美观、流畅

二档7-8分 包含了所有要点,并能有所发挥,欠丰富。 应用的语言结构和词汇能满足任务要求,句子较通顺、表达较清楚,有少量(3-4处)语言错误。书写基本清楚、美观、流畅

三档5-6分 漏掉一个要点;只是简单说明要点;内容不够丰富、具体,字数较少。 语言表达不够完整;句子不够通顺、行文不够连贯;有部分(5-7处)语言错误。


四档3- 4分 漏掉两个要点,明显偏离内容要点;内容过少。 语言不规范,句子无条理,行文不连贯,语言错误较多。书写比较乱,涂抹较严重。

五档0-2分 所写内容与要求几乎无关;内容杂乱,不知所云。 语言很不通顺,用词很不准确;错误过多,几乎难以读懂。书写很乱,很难辨认。


只有一条路不能选择——那就是放弃的路;只有一条路不能拒绝——那就是坚持的路。祝你 八年级 英语期末考试取得好成绩,期待你的成功!以下是我为大家整理的新人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷,希望你们喜欢。




一.听 句子 ,选择正确的应答语。(每小题1分,共5分)(听两遍)

( )1. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, I’d love to.

( )2. A. Sorry to hear that. B.OK, I will. C. Me too.

( )3. A. We’ve been to Canada. B. We had a good time in Australia.

C. We decided to go to the UK.

( )4. A. So you weren’t late. B. I wish I could sleep longer. C. Don’t arrived late again.

( )5. A. Why not take some medicine? B. What do you want to eat?

C. What were you doing at that time.


( )6. What’s the matter with Tina?

A. She has a fever. B. She has a cough. C. She has a stomachache.

( )7.What does the man want? A hat. B. A cat. C. A kite.

( )8.Whom did the girl h *** e a fight about?

A. Her brother. B. Her friend. C. Her cousin.

( )9.What are they talking about?

A. The world. B. The geography book. C. The longest river.

( )10. What did Alice’s father buy for her twelfth birthday?

A. A bag. B.A cake. C. A bike.



( )11.How many times has Tom s een The Monkey King?

A. Twice. B . Three times. C. Four times.

( )12.Who is Ming? A Mary’s pen friend. B. Tom’s pen friend. C. Tom’s brother.


( )13.What dance are they talking about?

A. Yangge dance. B. Dragon dance. C. Lion dance.

( )14.Who likes this kind of dance?

A. Young people. B. Middle-aged people. C. Old people.

( )15.What do the people think of their clubs?

A. They are very interesting. B. They can help them make friends.

C. They can make them famous.



A) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

1. He hopes to live a simple and (peace) life.

2 At the concert, we met five __________(German).

3.My elder brother took my things without (ask) me.

4.Jim loves sports, (especial) basketball.

5.Working as a volunteer at the Old People’s Home was an (usual) experience.


1. My parents don’t __________ (允许) me to go out at night..

2.With the __________ (发展) of science, we can enjoy life better.

3.We hope the little girl can tell us the __________(真相).

4. You’ll never know (除非) you try.

5.My mom often (鼓励) me to talk with others more.


( )1. ---What’s matter with you? --- I h *** e sore back.

A. a ; the B. the ; / C. / ; a D. the ; a

( )2.--- __________more vegetables is good for your health.

A. Eating B. Eats C. Ate D. Eat

( )3. —Could you please hang out with me this afternoon?

—_____ _ . I h *** e to make a plan for Clean-Up Day.

A. Sorry, I couldn’t B. Sorry, I can’t C. Sure, I can D. Sure, I could

( )4.Bob wants to fix up the bikes and __________ to the poor children.

A. give away them B. give them away C. give out them D. give off them

( )5. Linda has two sisters. One is 11 and ______ is 13.

A. another B. others C. the others D. the other

( )6. She always gets up early __________ she can catch the early bus to school.

A. although B. so that C. so D. because

( )7. The beach is a good place ______ our weekend.

A. spend B. spent C. to spend D. spending

( )8. He’s never been to The Great Wall , ?

A. is he B. has he C. isn’t he D. hasn’t he

( )9. So far, I ______ my pet dog. I’m very sad.

A. didn’t find B. h *** e found C. h *** en’t found D. found

( )10. Let’s ______ these old books from the room and give them to children in need.

A. cut out B. clear out C. put up D. set up

( )11. —______? —Since two years ago .

A. How long h *** e you lived here B. When did you live here

C. H *** e you lived here for two years D. Did you live here two years ago

( )12. —Has your brother ever been to London ? — Yes , . We went together

A. so h *** e I B. so I h *** e C. neither h *** e I D. neither I h *** e

( )13.---How is your English study? ---Not bad. But I __________ learning English grammar.

A. am interested in B. am good at C. h *** e a little trouble D. h *** e no trouble

( )14. There were ______ people watching the performance yesterday.

A. two thousands of B. two thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of

( )15. —Let’s go to the history museum this weekend. —______.

A. That soun ds fun B. That’s all right C. You’re welcome D. You should try it Ⅳ.动词考查(每题1分,共10分)

A) 用所给动词的正确形式填空。(5分)

1.I (listen) to music at home when you called me up.

2. These days Bob is considering ______ (tr *** el)to Hong Kong.

3. I don’t know how__________ (take) care of my little brother.

4.I am used to __________(get) up early every morning.

5.Tom studies hard __________(make)his dream come true.

B) 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的 短语 填空,有的需要变换形式。(5分)

succeeded in became interested in compare with even though die down

1.She still went to work ______ she didn’t feel well yesterday.

2.Just now we ______ working out the math problem.

3.The strong wind was __________ when I finally got home.

4.Jack told us that he __________tea art.

5.The parents always __________their kids __________others.


A) 句型转换(按括号内的要求转换下列句型,每空填一词)。

1. It’s an amazing movie. (改为感叹句)

amazing movie !

2. I h *** e learnt English for five years . (对划线部分提问)

h *** e you learnt English?

3.They swam in the river.(用this time yesterday 改写)

They were in the river this time yesterday.

4.His father died three years ago. (改为同义句)

His father has ________ for three years.

5.Jack is thirteen years old . Sally is thirteen years old ,too.(合并为一句)

Jack is Sally.

B) 根据汉语意思完成句子(每空限填一词,5分)。


She is not at home. She __________ _____________ to the library.


,or you’ll be late for school.


Our teachers us as their own kids.


A) 根据短文内容,判断下列各句正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。

Jim, with his father, goes to see his grandfather. In the train Jim often puts his head out of the window. His father says, “Jim! Don’t put your head out of the window!” But Jim goes on putting his head out of the window.

Here his father takes Jim’s hat quietly, hides it behind his back and says, “You see your hat is gone.” Jim is afraid.

His father says, “Well, whistle(吹口哨)once. Perhaps your hat will come back.” Jim whistles. His father puts quickly the hat on Jim’s head.

Oh! It’s wonderful! Jim laughs. He quickly takes his father’s hat and throws it out of the window. “Now it’s your turn to whistle, Dad!” He says h *** ily.

1.Jim and his father go to see his grandfather by bus. ( )

2.Jim’s father tells Jim not to put his head out of the window. ( )

3.Jim’s father takes Jim’s hat and hides it behind his back. ( )

4.Jim doesn’t want to h *** e his hat back. ( )

5.Jim takes his father’s hat and throws it out of the window. ( )

B)根据 短文内容,选出一个更佳答案。

Many students in China are learning English. Some of these students are *** all children. Others are teenagers. Many are *** s. Some le arn at school, others learn by themselves. A few learn English language over the radio, on television, or in films. One must work hard to learn another language. Why do all these people want to learn English? It is difficult to answer that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. They study their own language and math and English ... Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. Many people often learn English for their higher studies, because at college or university(大学) some of their books are in English. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English.

( )1. Many students in China are learning English, aren't they? ____.

A. No, they aren't B. No, they are C. Yes, they are D. Yes, they aren't

( )2. If one wants to learn another language we ll, he must ____.

A. learn at school B. study by himself C. work hard D. study at college

( )3. What's the Chinese meaning of "learn by themselves"?

A. 和他 们一起学习 B. 自学 C. 向他们学习 D. 通过学习

( )4. "Their own language" means ____.

A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Japanese

( )5. Why do all these people want to learn English ?

A. Because It’s a subject for students at school.

B. Because It’s useful for some people’s work.

C. Because It’s helpful for some people’s higher studies,reading newspaper and magazine.

D. All above.


All students 1 to h *** e good study habits. When you h *** e good study habits, you learn things 2 . You also remember 3 easily.

Do you like to study 4 the living room? This is not a good place, 5 it is usually too noisy. You need to study in a quiet place, like your 6 . A quiet place will help you only to think about 7 .

When you study, do not think about 8 things at the same time. Only think about your homework. If you do this, you will do your homework 9 quickly, and you will make 10 mistakes.

Good study habits are very important. If you do not h *** e them, try to learn them. If yours are already good, try to make them better.

( ) 1. A. need B. must C. can D. may

( ) 2. A. quick B. easy C. slowly D. easily

( ) 3. A. it B. easy C. them D. they

( ) 4. A. on B. this C. up D. in

( ) 5. A. because B. so C. so that D. unless

( ) 6. A. kitchen B. bedroom C. bathroom D. living room

( ) 7. A. one thing B. many things C. nothing D. everything

( ) 8. A. the other B. other C. others D. the others

( ) 9. A. more much B. much C. much more D. most

( ) 10. A. few B. less C. little D. fewer

Ⅷ. 补全对话。(每题1分,共10分)

A) 根据对话内容补全单词。

A: What kind of volunteer work would you like to do, Kim?

B: I’d like to 1 up old people on weekends.

A: That’s great, I’d like to do that, too.

B: Well, we need to come up 2 a plan now.

A :I’m a little hungry. Let’s h *** e lunch first.

B: No, we can’t put off 3 a plan. It’s Saturday tomorrow.

A:OK.I think we can visit them in the old people’s home.

B: That 4 good, Anna! We can sweep the floor and wash clothes for them.

A: You’re right, Kim. We can also sing songs for them and 5 them some interesting stories.

B :Oh, great!

B) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余

A: Hi! This is Li Jing speaking!

B: Hi, Li Jing. This is Han Li. (1)_______

A: No. I am in the school library now.

B: In the school library? (2)_______

A: Robinson Crusoe. Han Li, h *** e you read the fiction?

B: Yes, of course. (3)_______ I’ve read it twice.

A: (4)_______

B: It’s about a man called Crusoe. He experienced lots of unbelievable difficulties on an island and finally he got what he wanted.

A: How exciting!

B: (5)_______ To be honest, he was a real hero (英雄).

A: Oh, it sounds like a great book.

A. H *** e you finished reading it?

B. And he was kind, hard-working and br *** e.

C. H *** e you gone back home?

D. It’s one of my f *** orite fictions.

E. When did you borrow it?

F. What book h *** e you borrowed?

G. What’s it about?



Things you h *** e done practice the piano

take the singing less on

listen to a pop music CD

Things you h *** en’t done wash clothes

read the book Tom Sawyer

I’m Li Jia. I’m looking at my plan for this week. I find I h *** e done some things, but I h *** en’t done the other things._____________________________________________________________________




题号 1 2 3 4 5

答案 C B A A B

题号 6 7 8 9 10

答案 B A C C C

题号 11 12 13 14 15

答案 A B A C B



A)1. peaceful 2. Germans 3. asking 4. especially 5. unusual

B) 1. allow 2. development 3. truth 4. unless 5. encourages


题号 1 2 3 4 5

答案 D A B B D

题号 6 7 8 9 10

答案 B C B C B

题号 11 12 13 14 15

答案 A A C C A


A)1. was listening 2. tr *** eling/tr *** elling 3 to take 4. getting 5. to make

B)1. even though 2. succeeded in 3. dying down 4. became interested in 5. compare with


A)1. What an 2. How long 3. swimming

4. been dead 5. as old as

B) 1. has gone 2. hurry up 3. regard


A)1. F 2. T 3 T 4. F 5. T

B) 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. D


题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

答案 A D C D A B A B C D

Ⅷ. 补全对话。(每题1分,共10分)

A)1. cheer 2. with 3. making 4. sounds 5. tell

B) 1. C 2. F 3. D 4. G 5. B

Ⅸ. 书面表达。(共10分)

I’m Li Jia. I’m looking at my plan for this week. I find I h *** e done some things, but I h *** en’t done the other things.(略)


生活、工作、学习倘使都能自动,则 教育 之收效定能事半功倍。所以我们特别注意自动力之培养,使它关注于全部的生活工作学习之中。自动是自觉的行动,而不是自发的行动。自觉的行动,需要适当的培养而后可以实现。下面给大家分享一些关于 八年级 英语下册期末试题及参考答案,希望对大家有所帮助。



( )1.The singer sang several songs for us before she left.

A.a few B. many C. a little D.any

( )2.I’ll go out to find him in a minute.

A. a minute ago B.soon C. quickly D.not long times

( )3.It’s very nice of you to lend me the bike.

A. beautiful B. well C. kind D.cool

( )4.My aunt will come back tomorrow.

A. get back B. return C. give back D.return back

( )5.The child fell asleep in the end after crying for a long time.

A. goes to sleepy B. went to bed C. was in bed D.went to sleep


( )6. He doesn’t like playing tennis. ________. They both enjoy playing football.

A. Neither does she B. Neither she does

C. So does she D. So she is

( )7. It _____ a lot since I left the city.

A. is changing B. changes

C. changed D. has changed( )8. His hobby is _____ taking photos ____ collecting stamps. It’s

listening to music.

A. either; or B. neither; nor

C. not; but D. both; and

( )9.-I hear your father _____ to Japan once.

-Yes. He ______ last year.

A. went; has been B. has been; went

C. goes; went D. has been; has been

( )10.-Where is Tom now?

-He ____ the post office. He’ll be back soon.

A. has been to B.goes to

C. went to D. has gone to

( )11.-H *** e you sent your parents an e-mail telling them you arrived


-No, ____ of them can use a computer.

A. none B. both

C.all D. neither

( )12. “Would you mind ____ the TV?” “Certainly not.”

A. my turning down B. I turn down

C. mine turning down D. to turn down

( )13.We’ll visit the zoo if it _____ tomorrow.

A. not rain B. will not rain C. doesn’t rain D. isn't rain

( )14.It is already 11 o’clock, but I h *** en’t finished my homework ___.

A. never B. just C. yet D.still

( )15.My parents are strict _____ me and they don’t allow me _____

out late.

A. on,stay B. with, stayed

C. with, to stay D.with, stay

( )16.When I came to the school this afternoon, I saw some boys ____

basketball on the ground.

A. play B. playing C. to play D.played

( )17. “_____ do you surf the Internet?” “Once a week.”

A. How long B. How soon C.How far D. How often

( )18.You are tired. ______ a rest?

A. Why stop to h *** e B. Why not stop to h *** e

C. Why not stop h *** ing D.Why stopping h *** e

( )19.Our English teacher, Miss Gao ,was ill. So Mr. Li g *** e us a lesson ________ her.

A. instead B. instead of C. except D.except of

( )20.Yang Lei’s parents encouraged her ____ in Gansu Province.

A. teaching B. teach C. to teach D.of teaching

( )21.We made _____ with them when we stayed in London.

A. a friend B. friends C. the friend D.friendly

( )22.Hey! Don’t ____ . You must wait for your turn.

A. cut in line B. cut in a line

C. go in the line D.go into line

( )23.What h *** ened _____ the poor girl?

A. in B. at C. to D.on

( )24. “Do you mind if I sit here?” “_____. It’s for my friend.”

A. Not at all B. Never mind

C. Better not D.Best not

( )25.—How did they come to school today?

—Because of the rain they came to school on foot ______ a bus.

A. instead B. instead of

C. instead to take D.instead of taking

( )26.—Could you please ____ so much noise?

—Sorry, I won’t do that.

A. not making B. don’t make C. not make

( )27.—Could you help me do some dishes?

—Sure, that’s ______.

A. no question B. no problem C. Not problem

( )28.The students _____ school last Monday.

A. returned to B. came back C. went back

( )29.How long may I _____ this book?

A. buy B. to keep C.will buy D.keep

( )30.This pair of shoes is too big. Could you show me another ______?

A. one B. pair C. ones D.shoe

Ⅱ.补全对话 (5分)

A:I'm not feeling well. (1)

B:H *** e you been to the hospital yet ?

A:Yes. (2 )

B:H *** e you taken the medicine ?

A:Yes. (3)

B:Miss Wang is a good doctor . I think you'll be OK soon.

A:I hope so. (4) I h *** e to ask for a sick le *** e.

B;He has gone to the office. (5)

A.I took it just now.

B.You can find him.

C.I h *** e got a bad headache.

D.By the way, where is our teacher?

E.I went to see Dr. Wang this morning.


1.Of all the countries she has ______(tr *** el) to, she likes Canada best.

2.At first she _____(think) about going camping, but later she changed her mind.

3.They are from _____(foreigner) countries.

4.Who ______(discover) America in 1492?

5.There are four______(season) in a year.

6.Two_______(India) came to our school last week.

7.How many ______(fox) can you see in the picture?

8.-H *** e you _____(see) the film Hero? -Yes. I saw it last year.

9.It seems strange______ (visit) a city at night.

10.How long h *** e you been_____ (wait) here?


1. It’s five years since he became a football player. (同义句)

He ______ _______ a football player for five years.

2. She has had the job for a year. (就画线部分提问)

_______ ________ has she had the job?

3. I like English bast of all the subjects.(同义句)

I like English any other subject.

4. I spent two hours cleaning my room. (同义句)

It ____ me two hours to _______ my room?

5.The girl is old enough to work.(同义句)

The girl is old he can work.


One day, a young man asked Albert Einstein, the great German scientist, which the secret(秘密)of success(成功)was. The scientist 1 him that the secret of success is hard work. A few days 2 the young man asked him the 3 question again. Einstein was very 4 . He did not say 5 , but wrote a few 6 on a piece of paper and handed it to the young man. The young man looked 7 the piece of paper. On it was written: A=X+Y+Z.“What 8 this mean?”asked the young man.“A means success,”said the old scientist.“X means hard

work, Y means good methods( 方法 ),and Z means 9 talking and start to 10 .

( )1.A. told B. said C. talked D.said

( )2.A. ago B. before C. after D.later

( )3.A. easy B. different C. same D.like

( )4.A. worried B. dis *** ointed(失望) C. angry D.h *** y

( )5.A.anything B. something C. Nothing D.everything

( )6.A. words B. word C. sentences D.articles

( )7.A. on B. up C. at D.after

( )8..A.will B. shall C. was D.does

( )9.A. go on B. stop C. enjoy D.love

( )10.A. do B. read C. work D.play



Jim was born in a *** all village, his father, Mr. Brown, has a big piece of farm and works hard on it. He often gets good harvests. Now Jim is six years old, but there’s no school near the village. He is very worried.

“My sister works in London,” says Mrs. Brown, “We can take Jim to school there. What do you think of it?”

“It’s a good idea!” Mr. Brown said h *** ily. The next day they all went to London by train. Jim’s aunt was glad to see them. A week later Jim came to school.

“What’s your name, little boy?” asked a teacher. “Jim Brown.” Answered the boy.

“You must be polite,” said the teacher, “Please say ‘sir” when you are speaking to the old. Now answer my question again. What’s your name?”

“Sir Jim Brown.”

( )1. Jim Brown live in a *** all village in _____.

A. China B.Japan C. England D.America

( )2.Mr. Brown is ______.

A. a farmer B. a teacher C. a worker d.doctor

( )3.Mr. and Mrs. Brown took their son to London because _____.

A. There are many nice schools in the city.

B. they want Jim to learn a lot

C. the people there are friendly.

D.there’s no school near their village.

( )4.The teacher wanted Jim_____.

A. to be polite to himself

B. to know how to say sir

C. to know how to speak to the old

D.to study hard

( )5.The boy called himself “Sir Jim Brown” because______.

A. his name was Jim Brown

B. he wasn’t polite to the teacher

C. he didn’t know how to use the word “Sir”

D.he is Mr Jim Brown.


You will h *** e a lot of readings to do in this grade this year. You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read rapidly.

Perhaps you h *** e been told about some habits which keep a person from reading fast and h *** e been strongly asked to break those habits which you might h *** e.

Do you still h *** e any of these bad habits? Check yourself by answering “yes” or “no” to these questions.

(1) Do you move your lips (嘴唇) when reading silently?

(2) Do you point to words with your finger as you read?

(3) Do you move your head from side to side as you read?

(4) Do you read one word at a time?

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, start at once to break the habit. If you move your lips, hold your fingers over them, or hold a piece of paper between your lips while you are reading. Then if your lips move, you will know it and can stop them.

If you point to words, hold the two sides of your book, one side with your left hand, the other side with your right hand. Then you won’t h *** e a free finger to use in pointing while reading. If you move your head, place your chin(下巴)in one hand and hold your head still(静止不动的).

If you read no more than one or two at a time, you need to work very

hard in learning to take in (吸收) more words at each glance (一瞥) as your eyes tr *** el across the lines of words.

Even if you do rather fast now, you can learn to read even faster. As you probably h *** e been told, the secret of fast reading is to take in whole groups of words at each glance. Read in thought and force (迫使) your eyes along the lines of words as fast as you can make them go. Anyone who practices doing these things will be able to read faster.

( )6.You may hold your finger over your lips while reading so as


A. to tell others to be silent.

B. to feel whether your lips move or not.

C. to hold a piece of paper between them.

D.to eat it.

( )7. When you read, ______.

A. don’t keep your head still.

B. don’t hold your books with your hands

C. don’t use your finger to point to words.

D.don't read at home.

( )8.If you learn to read fast, _____.

A. you can read more in less time.

B. you can write faster

C. you can understand better

D.you can be a good teacher

( )9.You must ____ those bad habits that we are talking about in this


A. remember B. h *** e C.like D.get rid of(改掉)

( )10.This reading is mainly about_______.

A. the way of reading fast

B. the importance of fast reading

C. the bad habits in reading

D.the bad and good work


There are many new ways of shopping in America today:Do you know all of them?

One popular way is catalog shopping(目录购物).There are catalogs for almost anything you need—like clothes,furniture,cooking and so on.People also order about 40%of their music from music club catalogs.

Another way of shopping is shopping by TV.It began in 1986.About 5% to 8% of the Americans now shop by television.People say that it is easier than shopping in a shop.TV shopping is late at night,So people can“go shopping"h *** ily after a day's work.

Computer shopping or“shopping—on-line(网上购物)”is interesting to more and more people.Is computer shopping the way of tomorrow? Already people can use their computers to order many different things,such as computers.flowers,food and T-shirts.Soon people may be able to shop for anything,anytime and anywhere in the world.

( )11.How many ways of shopping are mentioned(提到)in the passage?

A.Two. B.Three. C Four. D.Five.

( )1 2. people are interested in computer shopping or


A.Some B.Few C Many D.More and more

( )13.TV shopping began in .

A.2005 B.2000 C.1998 D.1986

( )14.About of Americans now shop by television.

A.6% B.10% C. 9 % D.4 %

( )15.What's the best title(标题)for this passage?

A.TV shopping B.Catalog shopping

C. Modern shopping D.Computer shopping





Ⅰ(30) 1-5 ABCAD 6-10 ADBBD 11-15 DACCC 16-20 BDBBC

21-25 BACCD 26-30 CBADB

Ⅱ(5) 1-5 CEADB

Ⅲ(10) 1.tr *** eled 2.thought 3.foreign 4.discovered 5.seasons 6.Indians 7.foxes 8.seen 9.to visit 10.waited

Ⅳ.(5) 1.has been 2.How long 3.better than 4.took ,clean 5.so that

Ⅴ(20).1-5 ADCCA 6-10 ACDBC

Ⅵ.(30)1-5 DACDC 6-10 BCADA 11-15.BDDAC


八年级英语下册期末试题及参考答案相关 文章 :

★ 八年级英语期末备考卷及答案

★ 人教版八年级下册英语期末复习资料

★ 八年级下册英语试卷

★ 八年级下册期末数学试题附答案

★ 八年级下册英语练习册参考答案

★ 八年级英语上册期末试题附答案

★ 八年级下册各单元语法练习题及参考答案

★ 八年级英语下学期作业本答案

★ 八年级下册英语试卷(2)

★ 八年级上册人教版英语期中测试题及答案




第一部分 英语基础知识运用(共三节,满分45分)

A、 词语释义(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


( )1.The boy ran out of his money,so he had to walk to the hotel.

A.ran away B.got out of C.lost D.used up

( )2.The girl is good at playing bascketball.

A.do well in B.did well in C.do good in D.does well in

( )3.After trying many times,we got succes *** ul in the end.

A.at present B.at first C.at last D.at least

( )4.All Chinese people raised money for the people in Yunnan.

A.collected B.handed in C.got D.sent

( )5. ---I’m going to tell you something important.

--- Go ahead.We are all ears.

A.We don’t want to listen. B.We h *** e ears.

C.We don’t mind. D.We are listening to you.

( ) 6.The singer sang several songs for us before she left.

A. a few B. many C. a little D. five

( )7.The girl sat in the corner quietly .

A.in silence B.in silent C. silent D. angrily

( )8.His parents were angry with him just now.

A. annoyed B. surprised C. annoy D.pleased

( )9.Doing exercise every day can make you stay healthy.

A.live B.keep C.become D.is

( )10.You’d better return it.

A.give back it B. get back it C. give it back D. get it back

B、 选择题(共25小题,每小题1分,满分25分)

( ) 11. Could you give me__ _?

A . an advice B. some advice

C. any advice D. some piece of advice

( )12. I’m very ___ because my best friend didn’t invite me to come to his party.

A . popular B. h *** y C. late D . upset

( )13. They planted _____trees today.

A. thousands of B. thousands

C. two thousands D. thousand of

( )14. We’ll h *** e a picnic if it ______rain tomorrow.

A. don’t B. doesn’t C. won’t D. isn’t

( )15. I couldn't find my dictionary _________.

A. somewhere B. anywhere C. nowhere D. everywhere

( )1 6. --- I h *** e been to a water park.

--- ________ .

A. So h *** e I B. Neither h *** e I

C. So do I D. So am I

( )17. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______her.

A. except B. about C. beside D. with

( )18.——Mr. Li is ill in hospital. His daughter is looking after him.

—— .

I’m sorry to hear that B. Not at all

C. I’m afraid D. It doesn’t matter

( )19.Though his grandmother lives ______,she never feels________.

A.alone;alone B.lonely;lonely C.alone;lonely D.lonely;alone

( )20.Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _____ April 29 to work for the World Expo.

A. on B. at C. of D. to

( )21.This is an ________ book. I’m very ________ in it.

A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting

C. interesting, interest D. interest, interesting

( )22. The more you read, ____ you will get.

A. the less B. the most C. the more D.the better

( )23.Could you please pass me the book? ________.

A. Yes, I could B. No, I couldn’t

C. Sure. Here you are D. No, that’s no problem

( )24.When we get on the bus, we should wait ________.

A. in a line B. with a line C. in line D. on line

( )25.Please turn _______ the light before you le *** e.

A. on B. off C. up D. down

( )26.While I ________, he said hello to me.

A. read B. was reading C. am reading D. readed

( )27.Every day this h *** ens _______ me in the school library.

A. to B. in C. on D. with

( )28.Goldfish are very easy _______.

A. for taking care B. to take care

C. with taking care of D. to take care of

( )29.--Today he is very h *** y, isn’t he?

-- . He didn’t pass the exam.

A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he isn’t C. No, he is D. No, he isn’t

( )30.This bag ________ him 100 yuan last year.

A. cost B. spend C. took D. paid

( )31.---Do you like the city life or the country life?

---It’s hard to say. In the city there are _____interesting things, but in the country there is _____ pollution.

A. less; more B. more; less C. more; fewer D.many; much

( )32. 10 years ago, _____only one classroom building in our school.

And in 10 years, _____ five classroom buildings in our school.

A.there will be, there are B. there was, there will be

C. there will be; there was D.there had; there will h *** e.

( )33.—Where is Bill? —He ________ Sydney with his father.

A. has gone to B. has been to

C. h *** e gone to D. h *** e been to

( ) 34. I think a dog is a good pet for _________ child.

A. a 6-year-old B. an 6-years-old

C. a 6-year old D. a 6 years-old

( )35.—Would you like some tea or coffee? —______ is OK.

A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. Any

第三节. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

When Mr Black was young, he often played football, and he was good 36 it. But then he went and worked in a town and there was 37 football team for him there, so he stopped 38 . Then he began to get fat, so he thought, “I stopped playing football and I’ve got fat. What shall I do?” He thought about it for 39 days and he said to 40 , “I’ll play pingpong.” He had some 41 and he played for a few months. He met a nice girl at the club 42 day and they played a game of pingpong against 43 young man and young woman. Mr Black played very 44 , and he was very sad about this. “I never played 45 than this before,” he told the girl. “Oh,” she said, “you played pingpong before, didn’t you?”

( )36. A. at B. in C. for D. about

( )37. A. no B. an C. on D. a

( )38. A. play B. playing C. played D. to play

( )39. A. every B. much C. a little D. a few

( )40. A. himself B. herself C. themselves D. itself

( )41. A. games B. friend C. times D. lesson

( )42. A. every B. one C. each D. whole

( )43. A. the other B. others C. each other D. another

( )44. A. worse B. badly C. good D. well

( )45. A. badly B. well C. worse D. better

第二部分 . 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)


One day a rich man met Jack. He asked, “I hear you are very clever and nothing is difficult to you. Can you tell me why you are so clever?”

Jack answered with a *** ile, “Oh, I’m not clever. Instead, you are too silly(傻).” The rich man became angry.

Jack said, “Please don’t be angry. Now let me ask you a question. If you h *** e a group of sheep(羊). I give you another group. Then how many groups of sheep do you h *** e?”

“Two, of course. Anyone knows that I h *** e two groups of sheep.” Jack laughed and said, “You’re wrong. Two groups of sheep together(一起) are still one group. That’s the easiest question in the world.”


( )46. Jack answered the rich man with a red face.

( )47. The rich man was h *** y to hear Jack’s words.

( )48. The rich man knows one and one is two.

( )49. The rich man answered Jack’s question correctly(正确地).

( )50. In maths, one and one is always two, but in life, sometimes one and one is still one.


We each h *** e a memory(记忆力). That’s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people h *** e very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world h *** e got surprising memories.

A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a *** all child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear, remember and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils h *** e so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.

But your memory will become better and better when you do more and more exercises.

根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

( )51、Some people can easily learn many things by heart because .

A.they always sleep very well B.they often eat good food

C.they read a lot of books D.they h *** e very good memories

( )52、Everybody learns his mother language .

A.at the age of six B.when he is a *** all child

C.after he goes to school D.when he can read and write

( )53、Before a child can speak, he must .

A.read and write B.make sentences

C.hear and remember the sounds D.think hard

( )54、In school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language well because .

A.they h *** e no good memories

B.they h *** e no recorders

C.they h *** e too much time for it

D.they are busy with other subjects

( )55、Your memory will become better and better .

A.if you h *** e plenty of good food

B.if you do more and more exercises

C.if you do morning exercises every day

D.if you get up early


Mr Brown is one of my friends. He can run very fast and likes to show people how fast he can run.

One day, a thief(小偷)got into his house, took some of his things and ran out of the house fast. Mr Brown found it and ran after him, and shouted, “Hey! Don’t you know you can’t get away from me.”

But the thief ran much faster, Mr Brown got angry and ran faster, too. He was soon a few kilometers away from his house, he was running hard when he met me. “Why are you running so fast?” I asked. “I want to catch a thief,” said Mr Brown. “But where is the thief?” I asked. “Kilometers and kilometers behind,” said Mr Brown proudly, “He thought he could run faster than me, but you see he is wrong.”

根据短文内容,选择正确答案,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

( )56. Did the thief steal(偷)anything from Brown’s house?

A. Yes, he has. B. No, he wasn’t.

C. Yes, he did. D. No, he didn’t.

( )57. Who ran faster, Mr Brown or the thief?

A. No one. B. The writer. C. Mr Brown. D. The thief.

( )58. Did Mr Brown catch the thief?

A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didn’t.

C. Yes, but he let him go away. D. No, but his friend did.

( )59. What did Mr Brown do when he found the thief?

A. He ran after him. B. He was angry with him.

C. He caught him. D. He stayed far behind him.

( )60. What does the word “proudly” mean? It means __________.

A. 自豪地 B. 难过地 C. 兴奋地 D. 不慌不忙地

第三部分 写作 (共三节,满分25分)

1、 根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,并将其单词写在答题卷相应的位置。(共8小题,每小题1分,满分8分)

61. She wants to be a _________ (science) when she grows up.

62.Teachers often encourage (we) to get over the difficulties in life.

63.Don’t fall (sleep) in class.

64.Can you tell me what your (decide) is?

65.Students should take part in some (organize) activities.

66.Talking loudly is in public place.( polite)

67.Would you mind not ( *** oke) here?

68.It’s hard for him to learn English (good).

2、 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式,并将所填单词写在答题卷相应的位置。(共7小题,每小题1分,满分7分)

69.I hope my drean can ( 实现 ) in the future.

70.If you want to make some money,you could get ( 一份兼职工作).

71.The girl is (一样高) her twin sister.

72.When did you get your (成绩单)?

73. ,what’s your hobby? (随便一提)

74. The of the men’s competition are very modest.(这两个获胜者)

75.When I came into our living room,my mother was

the books and magazines on shelf. (浏览)

第三节 书面表达(满分10分)

提示:以If I h *** e a lot of money , I will do many things.为题写一篇英语作文。 要求:






16—20AAACA 21—25ACCCB 26—30BADDA

31—35CBAAB 36—40AABDA 41—45ABABC

46—50FFTFT 51—55DBCDB 56—60 ACBAA

61.scientist 62.us 63.asleep 64.decision

65.organized 66.impolite 67. *** oking

68.well 69.come true 70.a part-time job 71. as tall as

72. report card 73.By the way 74.two winners

75. looking through


1. 八年级期末考英语试卷附答案

2. 新人教版八年级英语下册期末试卷

3. 八年级英语下册期末试卷及答案

4. 人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及答案

5. 八年级英语下册期末测试题






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