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摘要:今天给各位分享总理报告的知识,其中也会对进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在开始吧!2022 *** 工作报告发布时间2022 *** 工作报告发布时间?回答是:据官方信息,2022 *** 工作报告发布时间是,2022年3月5日在第十三届全国人民代表大会第五次会议上 国务院总理 *** 代表国务院向大会报告 *** 工作。周总理作了报告( 扩句)敬爱的周总理站在主


2022 *** 工作报告发布时间

2022 *** 工作报告发布时间?回答是:据官方信息,2022 *** 工作报告发布时间是,2022年3月5日在第十三届全国人民代表大会第五次会议上 国务院总理 *** 代表国务院向大会报告 *** 工作。

周总理作了报告( 扩句)



问题一:科技报告怎么写 科技报告是科研单位或科研人员以科学研究进展情况或科技研究成果,向上级主管部门或与同行交流的书面材料。科技报告用来反映科学研究的状况,有汇报性和告知性的特点。 科技报告的结构一般由标题、正文、前言、主体、结尾组成。 科技报告的标题由研究课题和文种组成。标题下面为署名。 正文的前言写成果名称、任务的来源、综述研究情况,说明研究所依据的技术原理,也可列出报告的简目。 主体是报告的中心内容,主要写研究的主要成果,如主要的技术指标。同国内外技术水平比较、用途及经济效益、社会效益等。 正文的结语,写出结论、或写所讨论的问题及看法,常附有关的图表。 还有表格式的科技报告……

问题二:怎么写一份科技报告(格式) 1.题目





问题三:科技委员工作报告怎么写? 本报北京3月5日讯:今天下午,全国政协各界委员分组讨论了朱?基总理所做的 *** 工作报告。“报告简洁精炼,字里行间融注着深深的爱民之情,充满了直面困难、力克难关的勇气,更有着居安思危、加快发展的紧迫感。”这是委员们共同的感受。


他说,总理把“首先必须增加城乡居民特别是低收入群体的收入,培育和提高居民的购买力”放在很重要的位置上,说明 *** 深怀爱民之心,高度重视利民之策。在我们前进的过程中的确出了一些问题,比如说收入的差距比较大,出现了低收入群体,国家为此采取了很多措施来不断提高最低生活保障的标准,各级工会在春节前后都做了大量的工作,使低收入的百姓深深地感受到了 *** 的关怀。

他说,总理在报告中还提到了入世后“要以积极的姿态,在更大范围和更深程度上参与国际经济合作与竞争,切实做好加入世贸组织第一年的各项工作”,并提出了要重点抓好4个方面的工作,如何扬长避短,变弊为利,是摆在每一个委员面前的问题,我们要积极配合 *** 做好这方面的工作。

王弭力委员在发言时说,总理的报告总结成绩实事求是,分析形势深刻到位,体现了 *** 和总理一贯务实的作风。“在‘两会’召开之前我专门做过社会调查,百姓关注的很多问题总理在报告中都提出了具体的措施。” 王弭力举例说,比如像完善社会保障体系、积极扩大就业和再就业、加强税收的监管、严厉打击各种假冒伪劣商品等,都和百姓生活休戚相关,总理报告的字里行间凝聚着关心群众,维护群众根本利益的信心和决心。

王弭力还就如何加强我国中介组织的建设提出了自己的建议。她说,国外很重视中介组织或学会的作用,在1997年9月,联合国秘书长安南在工作报告中阐述的影响当今经济发展的八大因素中中介组织就位列第五, *** 、企业和中介并称当今政治经济舞台的“三大演员。”总理多次提到中介组织说明 *** 很重视中介的作用,但在中介组织的界定、内容和性质的规范上还不完善,要给中介组织一个更宽松的环境来促进其发展。

作为科技部副部长,马颂德委员对本届 *** 切切实实地推动科教兴国深有感触:“无论是科技还是教育, *** 都大幅度提高了经费投入。”他说,科技部在去年曾经组织了一次大规模的科研经费投入的调查,结果表明全国的研发经费占GDP的比例已从20世纪90年代中期的0.6%左右上升到现在1.004%,这是一个很大的突破。

不光是科技部门的科研投入得到了很大的增加,对中国科学院实施的知识创新工程,教育部推动世界一流学府的建设, *** 都给予了大力的支持。马颂德说:“这说明 *** 在经济得到很大发展的时候更多地考虑到了将来,考虑了今后的可持续发展,总理在报告中提出要进一步推动科技进步和创新,使广大的科技人员倍感鼓舞和振奋,必将促进我国科技水平得到更大的发展。”

问题四:求科技论文读书报告怎么写? 一篇完整的科技论文应包括标题、摘要、关键词、论文的内容、参考文献。










这个问题。正文应充分阐明科技论文的观点、原理、方法及具体达到预期目标的整个过程,并且突出一个“新”字,以反映 科技论文具有的首创性。根据需要,论文可以分层深人,逐层剖析,按层设分层标题。科技论文写作不要求文字华丽,但要求思路清晰,合乎逻辑,用语简洁准确、明快流畅;内容务求客观、科学、完备,要尽量让事实和数据说话;凡用简要的文字能够说清楚的,应用文字陈述,用文字不容易说明白或说起来比较繁琐的,应由表或图来陈述。物理量和单位应采用法定计量单位。



代) 完整、准确、简洁地指出:一是由研究对象进行考察或

泻) 实验得到的结果所揭示的原理及其普遍性;二是研

轮) 究中有无发现例外或本论文尚

文) 难以解释和解决的问题;三是与先前已经发表过

家) 的(包括他人或著者自己)研究工作的异同;四是本

我) 论文在理论上与实用上的意义与价值;五是对进

尼) 一步深人研究本课题的建议。

称) 8.参考文献

问题五:科技计划执行情况年度报告怎么写 本项目世界范围的发展水平和动态及方向。





问题六:中学生科技实践活动报告怎么写 在举国上下大力提倡创新,各类学校 *** 素质教育的潮流下,我校领导敏锐的捕捉到开展发明创造教育活动的必要性及其重要意义,毅然决定在我校开展发明创造教育活动,并已取得了良好的效果。 一、活动目的 为了培养学生的创新意识,增强学生的创新精神和实践能力,丰富大家的课外生活,努力营造一个“学科学用科学”的良好氛围。 二、实施过程 1.学校在科技楼一楼设立了专门的发明活动中心教室,搭建了发明活动长廊。 2.每年在全校范围内开展“科技制作”、“科技发明”、“科技论文”等科技比赛活动。 3.成立发明协会,每年11月份左右邀请宋庆龄少年儿童发明奖专家、中国教育学会“十一五”规划课题“发明创新教育体系的实践与研究”课题组副组长、中国发明协会会员、中国创造学会会员陈明泉专家进行大型讲座。 4.积极组织学生参加各类大赛,各项活动开展得有声有色。 三、实施结果 通过发明创造活动,一大批有着良好创新素质的学生脱颖而出。至2008年底,学生创意作品2000余份,申请国家专利数量150多项,其中迟宗宝、李竣世、崔子君、沙慧、李不凡、徐文秀、吴敬亮、宋青辉、于璐等62位同学已经获得了国家知识产权局颁发的国家专利证书,陈丹等80多位位同学的国家专利证书正在办理当中。高三、7班战旗同学作为胶州市唯一的选手参加了第23届山东省青少年科技创新大赛,其发明作品《中性笔笔油罐装瓶》荣获省二等奖,并且该作品与高三、5班张瀚同学的发明作品《悬空书立》作为青岛市唯一的两件高中作品已入围第六届宋庆龄青少年发明大赛。同时战旗、张瀚两位同学在第二届“山东省少年儿童发明奖”评选中获得铜奖。 “酒香不怕巷子深”,我校的发明创造迅速传开,引起了社会各方面的关注。在青岛市督导评估检查中,学生发明创造能力的培养成为一道靓丽的风景线,吸引了评委们的目光,得到了专家评委的高度赞扬。胶州市委宣传部新闻中心进行了专题采访,《金胶州》第432期在醒目位置报道了我校的发明创造情况。《科技日报》以“胶州一中获得50多项国家专利”为题,对我校的创造教育大加褒扬。《青岛日报》新教育周刊栏目刊登了《思考就是最大的勤奋》一文,大篇幅记录了我校志在发明的学生群体。文章从“每周都有证书来” 、“人人都是发明家” 、 gov234/ “改变的还有生活”三个方面详细的介绍了我校的发明创造情况。 四、体会 不积跬步,无以至千里,不积小流,无以成江海。尽管我们的发明协会很年轻,尽管我们在某些方面不成熟,但是在培养学生自主创新能力的大道上,我们一定会坚定不移地走下去,在学习中成长,在反思中升华。

问题七:什么是科技报告?科技报告的特点是什么 科技报告:

记录某一科研项目调查、实验、研究的成果或进展情况的报告。又称研究报告、报告文献。出现于20世纪初,第二次世界大战后迅速发展,成为科技文献中的一大门类。每份报告自成一册,通常载有主持单位、报告撰写者、密级、报告号、研究项目号和合同号等。按内容可分为报告书、论文、通报、札记、技术译文、备忘录、特种出版物。大多与 *** 的研究活动、国防及尖端科技领域有关,发表及时,课题专深,内容新颖、成熟,数据完整,且注重报道进行中的科研工作,是一种重要的信息源。查寻科技报告有专门的检索工具。

①反映新的科研成果迅速。以科技报告形式反映科研成果比这些成果在期刊上发表,一般要早一年左右,有的则不在期刊上发表。②内容多样化。它几乎涉及整个科学、技术领域和社会科学、行为科学以及部分人文科学领域。③保密性。大量科技报告都与 *** 的研究活动、高新技术有关,使用范围控制较严。④报告质量参差不齐。大部分科技报告是合同研究计划的产物,由工程技术人员编写,由于撰写珐时间限制、因保密需要以工作文件形式出现等因素影响,使报告的质量相差很大。⑤每份报告自成一册,装订简单,一般都有连续编号。

问题八:科技项目申报立项报告怎么写? 向您推荐高界律师

求2006年总理 *** 工作报告英文版

Report on the Work of the Government

By Premier Wen Jiabao on March 5, 2004

Following is the full text of the Report on the Work of the Government delivered by Premier Jiabao at the Second Session of the Tenth National People's Congress on March 5, 2004.

Fellow Deputies,


This government has now been in office for a year. I now submit a report on its work on behalf of the State Council for your examination and *** roval and also for comments from members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

本届 *** 履行职责已经一年。现在,我代表国务院,向大会作 *** 工作报告,请予审议,并请全国政协各位委员提出意见。

I. Review of the Past Year's Work


Last year was a significant and unusual year in the course of China's development. It was a year in which we made remarkable achievements in reform and opening up and in the modernization drive. In the face of a complex and volatile international situation, the unexpected outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and frequent natural disasters, governments at all levels and the people of all our ethnic groups put into practice the guiding principles of the Sixteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) under the leadership of the CPC and the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents. We br *** ed difficulties and hardships in an indomitable and innovative spirit and made important advances in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

过去的一年,是我国发展进程中重要而非同寻常的一年,是改革开放和社会主义现代化建设取得显著成就的一年。面对复杂多变的国际形势、突如其来的非典型肺炎疫情和频繁发生的自然灾害,在中国 *** 领导下,各级 *** 和全国各族人民一道,以 *** 理论和“ *** ”重要思想为指导,贯彻落实党的十六大精神,迎难而上,顽强拼搏,奋力开拓创新,在全面建设小康社会的道路上迈出重要步伐。

We won a great victory in the fight against SARS.


The economy grew rapidly. China's GDP increased by 9.1% over the previous year and reached 11.67 trillion yuan. Per capita GDP passed the important benchmark of US$ 1,000, calculated at the current exchange rate.


China's financial strength grew noticeably. Total government revenue was 2.17 trillion yuan, 278.7 billion yuan more than the previous year.


Foreign trade expanded significantly. Total import and export volume was $851.2 billion, 37.1% more than the previous year, raising China from fifth to fourth place in the world.


We created more jobs than planned

8.59 million urban residents became employed and 4.4 million laid-off workers, reemployed.


People's incomes increased. Urban per capita disposable income grew by 9% in real terms, and rural per capita net income rose by 4.3% in real terms.


China's first manned spaceflight was a complete success.


These achievements indicate that China's overall national strength has reached new heights. They h *** e boosted the confidence and courage of all our people to continue forging ahead. The work we did over the past year was mainly in the following six areas.



1. Taking resolute measures against SARS and concentrating our resources on the campaign against it

China suffered from a disastrous SARS outbreak last spring. The Party Central Committee and the State Council g *** e top priority to protecting people's health and lives and promptly investigated SARS and took steps to prevent and treat it. We enforced the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment of Communicable Diseases, formulated the Regulations on Public Health Emergency Response, and classified SARS as a communicable disease. We reported the facts of the SARS situation exactly as they were and mobilized the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak. The State Council and local governments established anti-SARS headquarters to coordinate human, material and financial resources and to make full use of primary-level organizations in both urban and rural areas, so as to ensure that prevention and treatment work was done quickly and orderly. We organized research on and made significant progress in diagnosing, treating and preventing SARS. We took such measures as providing free treatment for SARS patients among rural workers in urban areas to prevent the spread of SARS to rural areas. During the difficult days of our anti-SARS campaign, leading cadres at all levels took to the frontlines, the people throughout the country united as one, all sectors of society pulled together, large numbers of medical workers faced danger fearlessly, and the Chinese nation withstood a severe test.


去年春天,我国遭遇了一场非典疫情重大灾害。党中央、国务院把人民群众的身体健康和生命安全放在第一位,及时研究和部署防治非典工作。贯彻《中华人民共和国传染病防治法》,制定《突发公共卫生事件应急条例》,将非典列为法定传染病管理,如实公布疫情,在全国范围内实行群防群控。国务院和地方 *** 成立防治非典指挥部,统一调度人力物力财力,充分发挥城乡基层组织的作用,确保预防、救治工作紧张有序进行。组织科研攻关,在诊断、治疗、防疫等方面取得重要进展。对农民非典患者实行免费治疗等措施,严防疫情向农村 *** 。


2.Exercising timely and *** ropriate control to promote stable and rapid economic development


We adhered to the policy of expanding domestic demand and continued to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy. We took measures to exercise macro-control over new developments as soon as they arose in the course of economic operation.

我们坚持扩大内需方针,继续实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,针对经济运行 *** 现的新情况,及时采取措施进行宏观调控。

When the SARS outbreak hit, we worked unflaggingly to prevent and control it, while at the same time unswervingly promoting economic development. We concentrated on strengthening key areas, stimulating industrial production and ensuring unimpeded flow of goods and materials. In addition, we promptly adopted such supportive policies as reducing or exempting taxes and administrative charges on industries that were worst hit by SARS and granting soft loans to them. We also enacted measures for increasing employment and rural incomes. All this helped minimize the impact of the SARS outbreak on economic development.


We provided guidance and control for investment, mainly through a combination of economic and legal means. We further rectified and standardized the order of the land market and screened development zones of all types to stop disorderly and unauthorized acquisition of farmland. We increased the deposit-reserve ratio for financial institutions to an *** ropriate level to bring the excessively rapid growth of credit under control. In exercising control, we did an *** ropriate amount of fine-tuning and dealt with problems individually.


We expanded support for agriculture, rural areas and farmers and made plans in a timely fashion to ensure the continued enthusia *** of major grain producing areas and grain producers. We strengthened coordination of economic operation and took measures to increase supply and rationally guide the growth of demand, thus alleviating transport difficulties and shortages of coal, electricity, petroleum and important raw and processed materials.


We stepped up the strategic restructuring of the economy and put greater efforts into a number of key projects vital to economic growth and economic restructuring. In particular, we sped up the launching and construction of water control, energy and transport projects. The second phase of the key water control project at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River was completed succes *** ully and work on the third phase began. The eastern section of the pipeline for tran *** itting natural gas from the west to the east was completed. Laying of track proceeded *** oothly on the Qinghai-Tibet Railway trunk line. Tran *** ission of electricity from the west to the east was increased. Construction of the eastern and central routes of the south-to-north water diversion project began. Large-scale development of the western region continued. Implementation of the strategy to revitalize northeast China and other old industrial bases was begun.


3. Accelerating the development of social undertakings on the basis of an overall consideration of all issues


The spread of SARS exposed problems arising from disparities between economic and social development. We promptly made necessary adjustments to the government's priorities and investment to stimulate the development of social undertakings. The central government spent 85.5 billion yuan in 2003 on education, health, science and technology, culture and sports, 12. 4% more than the previous year. Treasury bonds worth 16.3 billion yuan were issued to support the development of social undertakings, an increase of nearly 200%.

非典疫情蔓延,集中暴露出我国经济和社会发展不协调的问题。我们从 *** 工作的着力点和财政投入等方面,及时作出必要调整,推动社会事业加快发展。中央财政全年用于教育、卫生、科技、文化、体育事业的支出达855亿元,比上年增长12.4%;支持社会事业发展的国债投资达163亿元,增长近两倍。

We improved the national public health system, focusing on epidemic prevention and control and on rural areas. The National Plan for Developing an Information System for Public Health Monitoring and the National Plan for Developing a System for Medical Rescue and Treatment in Public Health Emergencies were formulated and implemented. A system was set up for early warning and response for public health emergencies. Public health infrastructure was improved, with the focus on networks spanning provincial, city (prefecture) and county levels for disease prevention and control. The central government worked with local governments to build more rural health and medical institutions. Pilot projects for a new cooperative medical care system and medical assistance system were initiated in rural areas.

以疾病预防控制和农村为重点,加强全国公共卫生体系建设。制定并组织实施《国家公共卫生监测信息体系建设规划》和《突发公共卫生事件医疗救治体系建设规划》,建立突发公共卫生事件预警和应急机制。加强公共卫生设施建设,重点抓了省、市(地)、县 *** 疾病预防控制网络建设。采取中央与地方共建办法,加强农村卫生医疗机构建设。开展新型农村合作医疗制度和医疗救助制度试点。

The State Council issued the Decision on Further Strengthening Rural Education. Increased financial support was extended to rural education from the central budget and treasury bonds. Priority was given to subsidizing rural teachers' salaries in the central and western regions, renovating dangerous primary and secondary school buildings, carrying out pilot projects in modern distance education and aiding needy students. Many cities began to make schooling *** ailable for the children of migrant rural workers, and the governments of those cities took over primary administrative responsibility.

国务院作出《关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》。中央财政和国债资金加大了对农村教育的支持力度,主要用于补助中西部农村教师工资发放、中小学危房改造、中小学现代远程教育工程试点和资助家庭经济困难的学生。许多城市开始实行以流入地 *** 管理为主的办法,努力使进城务工农民的子女能够上学。

Great progress was made last year in basic research, strategically important hi-tech research, and industrial *** lication of new and high technologies. The State Council began formulating a national medium- to long-range program for scientific and technological development. It organized many experts to participate in feasibility studies and a number of important research results h *** e already been obtained.


Reform of the cultural system and the development of cultural undertakings were vigorously promoted. Efforts were intensified to rectify the cultural products and services market. Fresh achievements were made in *** and competitive sports.


Population and family planning work was further strengthened. Fresh progress was made in the areas of land and resources administration, environmental protection, forestry development and ecological improvement.


4. Caring for people's well-being, creating more jobs and administering social security work well


We consider it highly important to protect the vital interests of the people and help them, especially the needy, in solving problems in their work and daily lives. Governments at all levels conscientiously implemented a series of measures drawn up by the Party Central Committee and the State Council for increasing employment and reemployment and increased their efforts, capital spending and policy support in this regard. The central government allocated an additional 4.7 billion yuan of subsidies for job creation. We increased our employment guidance and services for last year's college graduates, who were the first to be enrolled under the college expansion plan of 1999. By the end of last year, 83% of last year's graduates from regular institutions of higher learning had found jobs, 600,000 more than the previous year.

我们高度重视解决群众特别是困难群众的生产生活问题,维护群众切身利益。各级 *** 认真落实中央关于扩大就业再就业的一系列措施,加大资金投入、政策支持和工作力度。中央财政新增47亿元专项补助资金,用于支持就业再就业。加强对高校扩招后首批毕业生就业的指导和服务,全国普通高校毕业生就业率去年底达到83%,比上年增加60万人。

To continue ensuring the "two guarantees" (guaranteeing that the living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises and that the pensions of retirees are paid on time and in full) and the "three-stage guarantee" for laid-off workers, the central government spent 70 billion yuan in 2003, 19.9% more than the previous year; of this sum, subsidies for subsistence allowances for the urban poor increased from 4.6 billion yuan in 2002 to 9.2 billion yuan in 2003. This allowed 22.35 million urban residents throughout the country to receive such benefits. In 2003, the central government began making annual allocations of special funds to help local governments assist ex-servicemen who are working in enterprises to solve their financial difficulties. Benefits were again raised for disabled revolutionary servicemen and other people who are entitled to special care by the government.

为继续落实“两个确保”和“三条保障线”,2003年中央财政支出700亿元,比上年增长19.9%;其中用于城市居民最低生活保障的补助资金由上年46亿元增加到92亿元。全国2235万城市居民得到最低生活保障。从2003年起,中央财政每年安排专项资金,支持地方解决企业 *** 干部等生活困难问题;再次提高革命伤残人员等优抚对象的抚恤补助标准。

We further intensified efforts to alleviate rural poverty through development and we invested more to improve working and living conditions in underdeveloped areas. We made all-out efforts to fight disasters and ensure adequate disaster relief. Central budget funds totaling 8.03 billion yuan were spent on relief for people affected by floods, droughts, earthquakes or other disasters, up 63.9% over the previous year, and 2.79 billion yuan was invested in post-disaster reconstruction. As a result, proper living arrangements were made for people in disaster-afflicted areas, production resumed and reconstruction proceeded in an orderly way. Governments at all levels took the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural workers very seriously, worked harder to resolve it and achieved initial results.

我们进一步加强农村扶贫开发工作,增加资金投入,改善贫困地区生产生活条件。全力做好抗灾救灾工作,中央财政用于洪涝、干旱、地震等救灾救济支出80.3亿元,比上年增长63.9%;用于灾后重建的中央投资27.9亿元。灾区群众生活得到妥善安排,恢复生产和重建工作有序进行。各级 *** 重视解决拖欠农民工工资问题,加大了工作力度,取得初步成效。

5.Pressing forward with institutional innovation and making significant progress in reform and opening up


Institutional restructuring of the State Council was accomplished *** oothly on the basis of the plan *** roved at the First Session of the Tenth National People's Congress and the adjusted and newly set up bodies are now operating normally. Significant progress was made in establishing a macro-control mechani *** , restructuring the management of state assets and establishing a mechani *** for oversight and management of the banking sector. We unified the mechani *** s for administering domestic and foreign trade and improved monitoring systems for food and workplace safety. Institutional restructuring of provincial governments has been basically completed. The reform of the administrative examination and *** roval system was deepened.

按照十届全国人大一次会议批准的方案,国务院机构改革顺利完成,调整和新组建的机构运转正常。宏观调控体系建设、国有资产管理体制改革和银行业监管体系建设取得重要进展。统一内外贸管理体制,调整了食品安全和安全生产监管体制。省级 *** 机构改革基本完成。行政审批制度改革进一步深化。

Fresh progress was made in tran *** orming state-owned enterprises into stock companies. Reforms of the electricity, telecommunications and civil *** iation industries were accelerated. The economic returns of state-owned industrial enterprises and enterprises whose controlling stake was owned by the state increased substantially; they generated a total of 378.4 billion yuan in profits, 45.2% more than the previous year. The reforms of the banking, securities and insurance industries progressed steadily. We formulated and implemented a pilot plan to tran *** orm state-owned commercial banks into stock entities. The system for examining and verifyi







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