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摘要:本篇文章给大家谈谈英语鬼故事,以及英语鬼故事短篇对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。英语鬼故事作文要有五条线索,≥10句话初一水平Ghost storiesWei Min,The ghost story h *** ened on me - it's not really haunted, I just walk alone for the first time at about



Ghost stories

Wei Min,

The ghost story h *** ened on me - it's not really haunted, I just walk alone for the first time at about 10 a.m. on campus.

That night, the stars, I just walked out of the mother's office, I walked down the stairs, immediately feel oneself is a large group of peg by eyes. I did not dare to look back, but I still can't help but look at. I found behind something said by others as a jack-o '-lantern, burning out of the blue light. They are following me, I stop, it also stopped, I began to walk, they also follow me up. I am very fear, frighten rushed home, but they also takes and I run with the same speed up. I accidentally fell and was climbing up a figure statue is opposite the school. Jack-o '-lantern is gone, but the statue was in my fantasy. A few statues, is no longer like a statue, I think they become a ghost, not the lower half of the demons, forward to me. I frighten run around the campus, although I PaoFan, the road to the playground to run, but at that time of I, also regardless of nature of these things. My in the mind only one idea, is to get rid of these ghosts, run to a safe place. However, these ghost followed me, mr.obama. On the first of my fantasy ghosts to meet me, I scared eyes closed, run around. When I finally dare to open my eyes, I found that I had to run to the bottom of the dormitory building, the most let me feel h *** y, is I finally give out of the ghost. When I returned home, a look in the mirror, just discover oneself all flustered, long hair looks like didn't recognize me. But I don't because of these things and not h *** y, because everything, even the demons came out, I'm still in their own lives as well. For now I can give out of the ghost, already is the best. So I h *** e sati *** ied.

This thing makes me feel special, and fear, and I thought: I later subsequent to less still had better.


1974 年11月13日,萨福克郡警局的警员们接到报警 *** 后赶到了长岛海洋大道112号,在这栋荷兰式的湖边别墅中,一个足以让所有人震惊不已的罪案现场呈现在警员面前:房主笛福一家六口横尸床上,均为中弹而亡。几天后,笛福一家的唯一幸存者——小罗纳德·笛福坦然向警方自首,供认是自己在双亲和四个兄弟姊妹熟睡时用步枪射杀了他们,并坚持是别墅里的一种“神秘声音”唆使他犯下这一惨绝人寰的罪行。但即使小罗纳德·笛福在审判中一再发誓,陪审团也没有接受他这个听上去就已足够荒唐的理由,检察官认定他作案只是为了骗取高额的保险金,最终法官以六项一级谋杀的罪名判处小罗纳德150年的监禁。


The story behind the story began on 13th November 1974, when six members of the DeFeo family were killed. The parents, Ronald and Louise DeFeo, were shot in bed while they slept, along with their two sons and two daughters. The sole remaining family member, Ronald Jr. ("Butch"), was arrested for the crime, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

The strangest thing about the murders was that all of the bodies were found face down in bed, as if something had held them there while they were shot. Not one of the family *** ear to h *** e been woken by the sounds of the gunshots, even thought the high powered rifle that was used can normally be heard up to a mile away when fired.

With the family dead, the house went up for sale. The horrific nature of the massacre unnerved the otherwise quiet Long Island neighbourhood.

The following year, a new family, the Lutzes, moved into the house. George and Kathy Lutz, along with their three children, said that shortly after they moved in, their six-bedroom abode became a Hell house. It seemed that perhaps the demons that drove Butch to slaughter his family were not in his head but in the house.

An unseen force ripped doors from hinges and slammed cabinets closed, noxious green slime oozed from the ceilings, a biblical-scale swarm of insects attacked the family, and a demonic face with glowing red eyes peered into their house at night, le *** ing cloven-hoofed footprints in the morning snow. Locked windows and doors would open constantly by themselves. George Lutz would wake up every night at 3.15 am, the exact time that the DeFeo murders took place. A priest was called upon to bless the house, but was driven back with painful blisters on his hands, and was told by a demonic voice to "Get out!".

After 28 days the family fled the house, never to return. They left all of their possessions in the house which were never collected. They quickly went public and told of the horrors that that tormented them in the house.



急~~~我需要一个 关于恐惧的英文小故事!!!!!!

English ghost story

Nobody from the village would go near the crossroads after midnight. Everyone said the place was haunted. Lots of people said they had seen a white figure there---a horrible one-eyed woman with a big black cat.

One night, Tom and Mick were in the village pub h *** ing a drink. They were tlaking about the ghost at the crossroads.

"I don't believe in ghosts," said Tom.

"I bet you won't go to the crossroads, by youself, after midnight," said Mick.

Tom laughed and said, "I'll go---if you will."

So the two men agreed to meet at midnight at the crossroads.

Tom wanted to play a trick on Mick. He went to the crossroads just before midnight. He took a bag of flour and put it all over his face and hair and clothes. Then he sat down on a big stone by the crossroads and waited.

It was a very dark night. As the village clock struck twelve, Tom could hear Mick coming down the road. But he could not see him.

Then he heard Mick calling, "Tom, Tom are you there?"

Tom didn't speak. He sat on the stone, very still and very white.

When Mick came close enough to see Tom, he took one look and ran off down the road screaming, "Help!Help! I've seen a ghost!"

Tom laughed so much he fell off the stone.

Early the next day, Tom went down to Mick's house. Mick was in the kitchen. He had locked all the doors and windows. He had a shot-gun on the table. He opened the door and let Tom in. Then he locked the door again. He was tired and frightened. He had not been to bed.

"Well,"said Tom trying not to laugh, "did you see the ghost last night?"

"Oh yes,"whispered Mick, "I saw her as plain as day."

Then Tom said, "You fool! That was me you saw sitting on the stone by the crossroads!"

"Oh yes," said Mick, "I saw you on the stone, and I also saw that evil one-eyed witch with her cat,standing right behind you."

When he heard this, Tom went quite white, as if someone had dusted his face with flour




"我不相信鬼,说: "汤姆。

"我敢打赌,你会不会到了十字路口,你午夜后,说: "米克。

汤姆笑着说, "我将去---如果你愿意" 。




然后,他听到米克称, "汤姆,汤姆,你有吗? "


当米克来到足够接近地看到汤姆,他一看就立即逃离现场下来,尖叫道: "救命!救命!我见过鬼" !



"好,说: "汤姆想不笑, "你有没有看到鬼魂,昨晚" ?

"哦"的话,直犯嘀咕米克, "我看见她为中原为日" 。

当时汤姆说, "你傻瓜!这就是我,你看见坐在石头由十字路口" !

"哦,是的, "米克说, "我看到你对石头的,我还看到,一个邪恶的眼睛巫婆与自己的猫,都站在你身后" 。




Teacher:We all know that beat causes an object to expand an cold cauese it to contract. Now,can anyone give me a good example?

John:Well ,in the summer the days are long,and in the winter the days are short.



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英 ['ɡəʊstst'ɔːrɪ]     美 ['ɡəʊstst'ɔːrɪ]    

n. 鬼故事


1 万圣节故事二则



在十月三十一日爱尔兰的孩子们用土豆和罗卜制作“杰克的灯笼”,他们把中间挖掉、表面上打洞并在里边点上蜡烛。为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。这种灯笼的爱尔兰名字是“拿灯笼的杰克”或者“杰克的灯笼”,缩写为Jack-o'-lantern 现在拼写为jack-o-lantern。


孩子们会制作万圣节的装饰品:各种各样桔 *** 的南瓜灯。你可以用黑色的纸做一个可怕的造形——一个骑在扫帚把上戴着尖尖帽子的女巫飞过天空,或者是黑蝙蝠飞过月亮。这些都代表恶运。当然黑猫代表运气更差。有时候会出现黑猫骑在女巫扫帚后面飞向天空的造形。





One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into He *** en because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern.

Well, Irish children made Jack's lanterns on October 31st fro m a large potato or turnip, hollowed out with the sides h *** ing holes and lit by little candles inside. And Irish children would carry them as they went fro m house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. The Irish name for these lanterns was "Jack with the lantern" or "Jack of the lantern," abbreviated as " Jack-o'-lantern" and now spelled "jack-o-lantern."

The traditional Halloween you can read about in most books was just children's fun night. Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.

Children would make Halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns. And fro m black paper you'd cut "scary" designs ---an evil witch with a pointed hat riding through the sky on a broomstick, maybe with black bats flying across the moon, and that meant bad luck. And of course black cats for more bad luck. Sometimes a black cat would ride away into the sky on the back of the witch's broom.

And on Halloween night we'd dress up in Mom or Dad's old shoes and clothes, put on a mask, and be ready to go outside. The little kids (children younger than we were) had to go with their mothers, but we older ones went together to neighbors' houses, ringing their doorbell and yelling, "Trick or treat!" meaning, "Give us a treat (something to eat) or we'll play a trick on you!" The people inside were supposed to come to the door and comment on our costumes.

2 万圣节故事二则

Oh! here's a ghost. Oh, there's a witch. Oh, here's an old lady.

Sometimes they would play along with us and pretend to be scared by some ghost or witch. But they would always h *** e some candy and maybe an *** le to put in our "trick or treat bags." But what if no one come to the door, or if someone chased us away? Then we'd play a trick on them, usually taking a piece of soap and make marks on their windows. .And afterwards we would go home and count who got the most candy. One popular teen-agers' Halloween trick was to unroll a roll of toilet paper and throw it high into a tree again and again until the tree was all wr *** ed in the white paper. The paper would often stay in the tree for weeks until a he *** y snow or rain washed it off. No real harm done, but it made a big mess of both the tree and the yard under it. One kind of Halloween mischief.



这么恐怖的万圣节演变到今天,竟成了一个最令人开心的万圣节,历史又跟我们开了一个善意的玩笑。这一天是一年之中,国外小孩子最兴奋的一天。万圣节早上孩子去上学的时候,就拿了服饰和糖果,准备参加学校组织的万圣节聚会。孩子们自己动手布置会场,装饰环境。桔色、黑色和白色是万圣节传统的装饰主调。万圣节中桔色的南瓜灯笼、黑色的猫、蜘蛛和女巫、白色的蜘蛛网和骷髅都是必不可少的角色。万圣节孩子们装扮成女巫和海盗,在朦胧的桔 *** 灯光下表演万圣节玩游戏。更流行的万圣节游戏是“咬苹果”。苹果或者悬挂在空中,或者飘浮在装满水的盆子里,孩子们则在不许用手帮忙的条件下用嘴去咬苹果,谁先咬到,谁就是优胜者。这个万圣节传统节目大概可以追溯到罗马人用果仁和苹果来庆祝丰收的习俗。









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